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Identity Crisis

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She nodded glumly.

“That doesn’t bother me,” I assured her. “You know I’m not squeamish.”

“I do know, and I appreciate that,” she said. “But I’m just not up to it. I’m sorry, sweetie; I’ll be off the sick list soon, and I will make it up to you. I promise.”

She crooked her little finger at me again, to make sure I knew she meant it.

“I’m sorry it’s giving you trouble,” I told her, my disappointment giving way to sympathy. “Seems like that’s gotten worse again. You need to go back to the doctor?” She’d had outpatient surgery a year or so ago, to remove a uterine fibroid—­a knot of benign tissue—­and her cramps and bleeding had lessened afterward. For a while.

“I think it’s just menopause, letting me know it’s headed my way,” she said. “Now turn out the light and spoon me.” She rolled over and snuggled against me. Switching off the light, I wrapped an arm tightly across her chest. Her breathing slowed and deepened, her body twitching as she sank into sleep. As my own breathing found the same cadence as hers, I made a silent wish for her—­one last anniversary toast, Walker style: I toast you sleep well and feel better tomorrow.

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