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The City-Girl Bride

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‘But not as close as I want to be,’ Finn murmured as his fingertips investigated the exquisite silky sensitivity of her taut nipples. ‘Skin on skin, body on body, mouth on mouth. That’s how close I want to be to you, Maggie.’

She knew she must have made some reply because she heard the sudden acceleration of Finn’s breathing in response to it, and then blissfully his mouth was on her throat, trailing hot kisses of sheeting fire down her arm, to the sensitive hollow of her elbow, nibbling at her fingers, licking and sucking them until she thought she might actually faint with the intensity of the desire exploding inside her.

When he kneeled in front of her and kissed her waist, the curve of her hip, her belly, Maggie moaned his name, her fingers digging into the hard muscles of his arms as she clung desperately to him, driven beyond shock by the extent of her response to him, her need for him. Through the haze of her longing she could see the long weals her nails had raked against his skin. Mindlessly she leaned into him, shuddering as his breath touched her skin.

His hands were shaping her hips, stroking down the length of her legs. Tenderly and carefully Finn lowered her to the floor. As he leaned over her Maggie watched him, her gaze drinking in the male perfection of him. She lifted her hand to his shoulder, slowly tracing the shape of his collarbone and then moving over his chest, exploring the tight hardness of his small male nipples with a wide-eyed concentration that made her soft brown eyes darken to almost black.

‘How much longer are you going to torment me?’

The raw hunger in his low growl bit at her aroused emotions with the same devastating effect the erotic nibble of his teeth had had on her flesh. A thousand, no a million tiny sparks of hunger for him ignited at once, feeding a conflagration that threatened to totally overwhelm her.

Finn’s fingers circled her ankle, slowly stroking its delicate bones. Maggie shivered and made a low guttural sound of shocked pleasure as he held her foot in both his hands and then slowly kissed its delicate instep. Immediately her toes curled in a rictus of female response.

‘Me torment you?’

Maggie wasn’t even aware of whispering the passion-husked words, nor of reaching towards him, pulling him against her, her hands trembling as they absorbed the hot velvet sleekness of his skin and the hardness of the muscles it cloaked.

They made love hungrily and fiercely, Finn holding Maggie’s hips in a grip that was possessively hard as she straddled him, enjoying the power to dominate their intimacy and control the hot sleek strength of his body as it entered hers. Each stroke quickened the immediate response of her own flesh as she urged him to seek deeper, to stay longer, to move faster…harder, to give her everything that her body needed in order to satisfy the hunger for him he himself had created.

Her body was slick with sweat, arching against the taut bow of her orgasm, and Finn looked up into her face, drinking in the triumph of watching her succumb to her pleasure. The firelight gilded her damp skin, dancing in a million tiny flames as the shudders of completion convulsed her, and then it was his turn, the dying sound of his release fading into the mingled harshness of their joint breathing.


SLEEPILY Maggie turned over, savouring the warmth of Finn’s bed. Finn himself was downstairs, where he had gone to make them both a cup of coffee. Maggie smiled to herself as she stretched with sensual luxury beneath the duvet. The warmth of Finn’s bed wasn’t all she was savouring. There

was the warmth of Finn’s body to be remembered as well, along with his lovemaking last night.

The tenderness he had shown her after the fierce intensity of the passion they had shared still had the power to raise a small frisson of emotional reaction from her as she mentally relived the way he had left her curled up in an exhausted tangle of limbs on the duvet, returning a few minutes later with two huge soft warm towels, gently drying her love damp body with one of them before tenderly wrapping the other around her.

Too relaxed to move, she had drifted off to sleep, waking only when he had kissed her and told her that he thought she would sleep more comfortably in his bed.

‘Only if you share it with me,’ she had answered.

She had woken at first light, whilst he was still asleep, lying next to him and savouring not just her memories of their lovemaking but the reality of his physical presence in bed beside her. Unable to stop herself, she had leaned across to him, studying his sleeping face, feeling the now familiar jolt run deliciously through her body as she’d given in to the temptation to stroke her fingertips exploratively along his collarbone before tangling them gently in the silky warmth of the thick whorls of dark hair the night had flattened against his skin, whilst her lips had teased wake-up-and-play kisses in the hollow of his throat.

Seconds later, when he was still asleep, she had reluctantly been about to move away from him when he had made her almost jump out of her skin by growling mock threateningly at her at the same time as he imprisoned her in his arms, adroitly rolling her beneath him.

Somehow during the play-fight that had followed he had managed to stroke and kiss every sensually vulnerable bit of her.

‘That’s not fair,’ she had pretended to complain when he had gently pinned her arms down at her sides so that she could not touch him, whilst his mouth had had the freedom to make an explosively erotic journey from her throat to both of her naked breasts. The sensation of his tongue lapping seductively at their rapidly hardening crests had made her arch her back in wild abandon, her protests forgotten, their game forgotten as desire had engulfed them both.

Maggie closed her eyes, and then opened them again as she heard Finn demanding softly, ‘You haven’t gone back to sleep, have you?’

Sitting up, she smiled at him, shaking her head. ‘Is the snow still there?’ she asked him.

He had been leaning towards her, having put down the tray he had been carrying, and she had lifted her face to his, anticipating his kiss. A little to her chagrin it never came, and instead he straightened up, glancing towards the window, his voice suddenly almost jarringly brisk. ‘It’s still there,’ he confirmed. ‘But it is thawing…’

Thawing. That meant that she would be able to leave. Ruefully Maggie acknowledged that a part of her would have been secretly glad if he had told her that they were likely to be snowed in together for several days.

‘Breakfast,’ Finn was telling her, indicating the tray he had placed on the bedside table next to her. ‘And don’t try going all city woman on me and telling me that you don’t want any.’

Maggie deliberately evaded the tenderly teasing look he was giving her. Normally she did not eat breakfast, but whenever she was with Finn she woke up with the kind of appetite—for food—that would have pleased even someone as traditional as her grandmother, who had always insisted on Maggie eating what she termed a ‘proper’ breakfast before leaving the house in the morning.

That she also woke up with an even greater hunger for Finn himself was something she was most certainly not going to dwell on!

Turning to pick up a glass of orange juice from the tray, Maggie wondered how he was likely to react if she were to respond with the tongue-in-cheek comment that after a night like the one they had just spent together it was no wonder that she was hungry—for food, that was. So far as sensual satisfaction went her appetite should have been more than sated.

Her face started to grow slightly pink. The lethargy filling her body was a feeling that was entirely new to her, but then the lovemaking they had shared had also been something she had never imagined experiencing. Being brought up by her grandparents had given her a certain shy modesty which, no matter how much she might deplore it as being ridiculous in a sophisticated woman of her age, did make her feel slightly inhibited about talking openly about her most private feelings—especially when they were the kind of feelings that Finn aroused in her.

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