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Dance Me a Dream (Wishful 7)

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“Speaking of which,” Jace said. “That other matter we discussed has been taken care of.” The kids had picked out a present for Tara. He’d gone ahead and ordered it last night with rush shipping so it would arrive by Christmas Eve. Their ornament sales had more than paid for it, with enough pocket money left over that they could have a little fun of their own.

“Good.” Austin nodded in smug satisfaction.

“What are y’all up to?” Tara asked.

“None of your beeswax,” Jace told her, sticking his tongue out in his best eleven-year-old fashion.

A mini-van pulled up in front of the barn. A noisy family of four tumbled out, all talking at once as the kids climbed like monkeys up the man who’d been in the driver’s seat.

The beaming woman said, “My husband just got back from Afghanistan, so we’re a little behind on getting the tree. Can you help us?”

“Certainly. There are plenty left,” Jace said. He turned to Austin. “You want to take them out on the wagon?”

“On my own?” His eyes widened.

“You handled things just fine the last half dozen runs with me. I think you’re ready.”

Austin drew himself up and saluted. “Yes, sir!”

Laughing, Jace ruffled the boy’s hair, and they went to hitch up the horses.

By the time Austin had the horses trotting toward the fields, the family loaded in the back of the wagon, Tara had knocked out another three wreaths. She carried them over to hang on the waiting rack. “You’ve made his week giving him that responsibility.”

“He’s good with the horses.”

“They’ve been good for him,” said Tara.

“Horses are good therapy.”

“So are good people. Your whole family has been good therapy.”

Jace leaned back against the work table, crossing his feet at the ankles. “Well, since you’re feeling all thankful and sentimental, and my sister has already outed me—”

Livia snorted. “You’ve been outing yourself for two weeks without our help.”

“—I’ve got tickets to White Christmas tonight at the Madrigal. You want to go? Maybe get dinner first?”

“An actual, legitimate date?”

It relieved him that she sounded more amused than anxious. “That would be the general idea.”

“Before you answer, it’s worth noting that I’m stealing the kids for a Christmas movie marathon. Ginny and Austin don’t know who Heat Miser is and this must be rectified,” Livia declared.

“In that case, I’d love to.”

“Whee!” Ginny launched into another dance, pure joy on her face despite the slight wobble in her balance.

A smile tugged at Tara’s lips as she watched, and Jace wanted to see that same look of joy in her eyes.

“Lengthen, Ginny.”

Whatever that meant, Ginny did it and her balance settled.

“Is she taking lessons?” Jace asked.

“No. I’ve been teaching her at home. We couldn’t afford formal lessons when I first got here, and the dance studio closed over the summer. I guess there wasn’t enough interest to keep it open.”

“No, it was because Jeanette had complications from her knee surgery and couldn’t teach,” Livia said. “She’s been in physical therapy for months, but the doctors aren’t hopeful.”

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