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Eternal Damnation (The Amagarians 3)

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Her sister flinched. Kala had never been able to take another’s life, and while Shilah had been forced to defend them since the rule of their kingdom had been brutally taken, the aura that clung to her after taking a life was vicious and would see her weakened for days. Three times she had been forced to use her powers to kill, and the very memory made her heart tremble. “I will command as many of them as possible to look the other way.” But not everyone had the same mental barriers and readily accepted the planted memories or suggestions that would distort their realities and thoughts.

“There are thousands of warriors in the palace. Perhaps we should not return to Serange,” her sister said fretfully.

“Do you doubt my powers?” Shilah asked.

She had ascended to an Imperial in her telepathic powers in the battle to escape with her and Kala’s life. When utilizing the full force of her power, she could ultimately control someone’s perception and push thoughts, feeling

s, or hallucinatory visions into the mind of another person, causing pain, paralysis, or unconsciousness, altering or erasing memories, or completely taking over another person's mind and body. She had never battled with the full use of her abilities, but even while asleep, she could feel the deep well of her power at the calm center of her heart.

“We have no allies, Shilah. It will be us against the empire if we are discovered fleeing. Perhaps Dxyriah will flourish under Crown Prince Quan’s rule and maybe—”

“It is our home,” Shilah whispered fiercely. “Serange was divided into three kingdoms and treaties formed to prevent so much power being concentrated into one family. Prince Quan wants to change that. He will lay siege to the other kingdom until he unites them under his rule. It will not be peaceful. The slaughter must be stopped.”

Kala closed her eyes briefly and then nodded. “It must.”

“And we must avenge our family and friends. Torren,” Shilah started softly with her brother’s name. “Parisa, Michaela, Thorin—”

“Savannah, Raven, Matthias, and Nia,” Kala ended softly. “I’ve not forgotten them. Not a day goes by I do not remember their lifeless bodies taken in the name of greed.”

They stared at each other, the memories flowing from Shilah’s thoughts to her sister’s. The good ones of when they had been happy and life had been simpler.

“We will leave Mevia,” Kala said bravely. “And I pity the fools who would try and stop us.”


Shilah hugged her sister. “Get dressed and pack a small bag only with essentials.”

Kala nodded, and Shilah walked away and slipped from her sister’s chamber with stealth. The guards were still lying on the floor. She stooped and gently touched each of their foreheads, piercing their natural shields which were even more relaxed. Nothing happened. You did not see my sister or me earlier or tonight should anyone ask. She brushed against their memories of seeing her rushing forward and psychically snapped the thread, which appeared like a web of spider silk, removing it. You will stand in a minute, then open your eyes, and rouse to full consciousness.

Then she stood, and raced along the hallway to her chamber, her powers flared wide, preparing to manipulate the thoughts of anyone who should see her. Thankfully, the corridors were empty, and she slipped into her chamber with a sigh of relief.

She gathered her heavy mass of silver hair and wrapped it into a tight coronet around her head. Then she grabbed her bodysuit from the closet. It was dark blue, sleek, and would fit against her body like a second skin. In this, she would be able to fight and run without hindrance. The material was also hard and would resist most slashes and stabs. She whipped the sari from her body, stepping from the sheer material.

A sharp inhalation had her spinning around. Shilah realized with an unpleasant shock, of fear, that someone was in her chamber and she had not sensed them.

“Who’s there?” she demanded, balancing on the soles of her feet, pushing her powers out trying to read their thought. There was nothing. Only a formless void.

Her gaze riveted on the dark spot near the top of her bed. Somehow, she knew that was where the person lingered, despite being unable to detect an aura.

No aura. “Is it you?”

She tried to appear unruffled, but anxiety seethed inside her, making the effort excruciating. She felt his eyes on every dip and hollow of her naked form. Shilah suppressed the instincts that urged her to clothe her body. That inattentiveness would be all that was needed for the watcher to pounce. She felt the caress of the watcher’s gaze on her face, and when it traveled down to her breasts and stopped. A flush ran over her body, and she reflectively raised her hands to cover herself. The soft hiss that rode the air froze her hands—it echoed dark and forbidding— and she slowly lowered them to her side. She wanted nothing to hinder her as she braced for what would slink from the darkened corner of her chamber.

Shilah could feel the beat of her heart through her tongue. Inexplicably she knew it was the stranger from earlier. Why had he returned? “I know it is you. Please show yourself.”

He stepped from where he lingered in the shadows. The light splashed across his savagely honed features. He prowled closer, and she forced herself to not show any weakness by retreating. Not liking the hint of darkness that wavered around him, she mentally turned on the crystals bathing the room in a wash of bright light. She regretted it instantly. For he faltered, his eyes turning to molten gold as he stared at her. Her skin burned at the brush of his gaze.

“You are beautiful.”

Her breath hitched at that reverent whisper.

She moistened her lips and dragged in air. “Why are you here?” It was safer to concentrate on that, instead of the insidious tension thrumming in the chamber. Shilah slowly reached for the sari she had discarded on the bed and held it in front of her covering as much of her nakedness as possible.

A golden gaze filled with banked heat collided with hers. “How old are you?”

She stared at him. He seemed bemused that he had asked the question. How unusual.

“Why is my age relevant?”

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