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Risky Pleasures (Forged of Steele #4)

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And then he leaned over and kissed her.

Vanessa returned the kiss, doubting she would ever tire of kissing him. She wrapped her arms around Cameron’s neck and tasted him with the same hunger with which he was tasting her. Beneath her, his erection nudged her hip and his hand began tracing a path up her inner thigh.

Suddenly Cameron pulled both his mouth and hand away. “We need to talk,” he said, resting his forehead against hers. “We need to discuss something I should have brought up earlier.”

She kept her arms wrapped around his neck and met his gaze. “What?”

“I didn’t use any protection when we made love on the beach tonight.”

His words were like ice water thrown on her. No protection. How had she not realized? She’d never had sex with a man without using some type of protection. She’d been taking the Pill since her college days but when it came to sex these days, women had more to worry about than an unwanted pregnancy. There were serious health issues to consider.

“I’m safe, Vanessa. Don’t worry about that,” Cameron said as if reading her thoughts. “I get a physical every year.”

“So do I,” she quickly said, needing to reassure him, as well. “I’m safe, too.”

He smiled and tightened his arms around her waist. “I know you are.”

She was tempted to ask why he was so certain, but just the thought that he was sent a warm feeling through her.

“Now that we’ve covered that part, we need to discuss the other.”

She lifted a brow. “What other?”

“The possibility of a pregnancy.”

She shook her head. “That’s not possible. I’m on the Pill.”

He nodded slowly. “Anything is possible. The Pill isn’t 100 percent guaranteed and if a child has been created, Vanessa, the agreement is off.”

“What do you mean?”

“We agreed that once this affair ended we wouldn’t be in contact with each other. But if you’re pregnant that changes everything since I’d want to know about my child. Understood?”

She frowned, not liking the tone of voice he’d taken, and definitely not liking the way he was trying to take control of things. “I told you I’m on the Pill, so relax, Cameron. There won’t be a baby.”

“If there is—”

“Then I would let you know. But you’re worrying for nothing.”

He met her gaze for a long moment before standing with her in his arms. “Are you ready for bed?”

After that last conversation a part of her wanted to leave, to go back to Cheyenne’s place and sleep in her own bed tonight. He had made her mad. But another part of her wanted to stay, to sleep cuddled under him and wake up with him in the morning. That was the part telling her to get over it.

She quickly made a decision and tightened her arms around his neck. “Yes, I’m ready.”

Chapter 11

Four days later, Cameron leaned against the rail on his patio watching the sun rising over the ocean. Vanessa was upstairs, still asleep in his bed. He had slipped away momentarily to come downstairs to wait for a call he expected from Kurt…and also to think.

Although he had no intention of doing so, if he were to adhere to their agreement, he had only one week left to spend with Vanessa. And if he were to analyze their days together since becoming sex mates, he would be the first to admit that they had been some of the best days of his life. He smiled, thinking that a lot could be said for spontaneity.

There hadn’t been too much they hadn’t tried in the bedroom. But then the bedroom hadn’t been the only place they’d made love. In fact, come to think of it, the only times they had actually made it to the bed was when it was time for them to retire for the night. Otherwise, spontaneous meant spontaneous.

Vanessa had seduction down to an art form, and he’d discovered the hard way—literally—that she was a woman of incredible talents. She had to be the most passionate human being on the face of the earth. Already his body was whirring with thoughts of what today would bring.

Although the sex was great, Cameron knew it wasn’t the only reason he was enjoying every moment that he spent with Vanessa. Whether it was playing tennis, looking for seashells on the beach, swimming together, cooking, even shopping, everything with her was turning into an adventure.

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