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With This Ring (To Have And To Hold Duet 1)

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“I’ll walk her out,” I tell Alec who takes the hint and leaves.

Walking around to Scarlett’s side, I stand behind her seat. Leaning over to place my hands over her forearms, resting on the arms of the chair. I inhale, take in the soft perfume of a feminine shampoo. Lenore’s doing, I’m sure.

She turns her head a little, leaning away just enough so we’re not cheek to cheek. I see how her pulse drums against her neck and hear her swallow.

“Are you going to be good? Or are you going to give me the opportunity to take you over my knee again for a real spanking?”

She flushes, blinks rapidly before returning her gaze to mine. “If you touch me like that again I’ll kill you in your sleep.”

“But you wouldn’t mind me touching you another way?”

“I mean it. I’ll kill you.”

I smile wide. “I have no doubt you’d try. Truce, all right?”

“Truce? You don’t need to make a deal with me. I’m your prisoner. You have enough soldiers that if I take one step in the wrong direction, I’m sure I’ll be surrounded in an instant, weapons trained on me.”

“My men know not to train their weapons on you.”

She seems surprised, at least momentarily. “And you have my brother. You don’t need to make a truce with me, Cristiano. I’ll do what you say, and you know it, so don’t pretend to want to do right by me.”

“I’m not pretending.”

“Noah needs clothes too if he’s going to stay on the island.”

“Already sorted.” I release her and pull her chair out. “You’ll see them at the next shop. If anything is missing add it to the order.”

She bites the inside of her cheek. I guess she’s trying to come up with some quip, but she doesn’t say anything.

“Ready?” I ask her.

She opens her mouth, closes it again and stands. I walk her out to Alec and the others, opening the door and lifting her into the SUV.

“I can get into a car myself.”

I put my hands on her thighs like earlier. “You didn’t sneak a knife out, did you? An ice pick, maybe?”

She bites the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling and it makes me smile.

“I’ll see you tonight, Scarlett.”

Alec gets into the front seat and I give Scarlett one last look before stepping back to close the door.



I’m surprised about the things for Noah but true to his word, bags of clothes were waiting for my approval at the next shop. Although if he truly is keeping him on the island, I’m sure he doesn’t want him wearing the same clothes that are stained with Diego and Angel’s blood, so this isn’t exactly selfless of Cristiano.

It’s late afternoon by the time we get to Cristiano’s uncle’s house, on the edge of the city. And house isn’t quite the word. It’s a mansion, a proper Italian mansion set well back from the beautiful stone pillars cradling ornate iron gates that open to let us in. The grounds are elegantly manicured and before a servant opens the front door, I can hear the sounds of someone playing piano inside.

Alec enters behind me. I take a moment to look around, take in the elegant, monied feel of the place.

Our home in Mexico was always more cozy than elegant. We lived in that house, played in every room. The sounds of children and the smells of cooking constant. This place, for as beautiful as it is, is cold. Lifeless. And when Cristiano’s uncle turns a corner, I wish Cristiano were here at my side. I wish he’d stand bastion between me and this man, because from where I stand, I already feel his animosity toward me.

“Welcome, Scarlett De La Cruz,” he says, drawing out my name while looking me over and not trying too hard to hide the fact that I’m not actually welcome.

I glance at Alec at my side. He’s carrying some bags but most of the things are loaded in the SUVs.

“I’m David Grigori, Cristiano’s uncle.”

“I know who you are.”

“Come in.” He turns to Alec, looks at the bags. “Joanna,” he calls out.

A woman appears out of nowhere.

“Take those things to Ms. De La Cruz’s room.”

She nods and relieves Alec of the bags, then disappears up the stairs.

“You can wait with the others,” David tells Alec.

“I’m to stay with her at all times. Cristiano’s orders.”

“Well, Cristiano isn’t here, is he? And you’re in my house. Soldiers don’t belong in my house.”

“Sir, I—”

The man who opened the door for us, opens it again.

“I’ll let you know if we require your assistance,” David tells Alec who looks at me hesitatingly then nods to David and leaves.

So much for that.

I clear my throat when David turns his gaze back to me. “Big day?” he asks.

I shrug a shoulder and don’t bother to smile. “When is Cristiano getting here?”

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