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With This Ring (To Have And To Hold Duet 1)

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He left me to eat alone after that strange proposal—can you call that a proposal? It surprised me and although Lenore took a tray into his study, I saw her return with it untouched before I went upstairs.

I look at my ring now as I sit on the little Princess bed. It’s pretty, the edges of the sapphires jagged and sharp like shards of glass. I like it. It fits. But the thought of marrying him makes my belly go funny. And it’s not exactly a queasy feeling.

Getting up, I pace the room for the hundredth time. I won’t be getting any sleep tonight, although it’s well past two in the morning. He hasn’t come up either but for all I know he’s not even on the island anymore. I heard a boat go out a few hours ago. Maybe he went back to the mainland.

I open my door quietly. Still no guard outside. There’s a lock on the outside but he hasn’t used it. Yet.

I’m wearing a pair of sweats and an oversized hoodie, along with a pair of ballerina slippers. I added these and a few others like it to the order at the last shop. No way Cristiano would have approved of such a slovenly outfit considering the other pieces he chose for me but I love it.

The soft-soled slip-on shoes are exactly what I need. Quiet.

I put the little plastic flashlight I found in the bedroom into my pocket and make my way toward the stairs. The lights are out apart from a glow that comes from the dining room. Moonlight. I watched its reflection on the water through the huge windows earlier. It was better than watching TV as I ate dinner alone.

Taking hold of the railing, I make my way down the stairs, grateful for the stone. Wood would creak.

Once I’m on the first-floor landing, I look around, making sure I am truly alone. I tiptoe toward the door that leads to the cells below ground.

Strange to think that it was just a few days ago that I was down there. That I watched my brothers’ brains blown out.

Poor Noah is still down there all alone. He must be scared. At least after tomorrow he’ll be allowed to come above ground.

A soft sound captures my attention before I get to that dark hallway though. It’s coming from Cristiano’s study at the end of the corridor.

I take a few steps toward the sound. It sounds like a light buzzing. Like a humming. From beneath his closed door, I see the light on inside. So he’s on the island after all. I wonder who took the boat earlier.

I stop then, considering. Would he hear me if I went to Noah’s cell? And can I make it back upstairs before he goes to bed? I assume he’ll check to make sure I’m in my bed. Would he consider my going to see my imprisoned brother a betrayal?

Shaking my head, I turn back to my original destination.

I agreed. He can give me this. I’m going to say ‘I do’ no matter what. Plus, Noah is probably still worried about me considering I saw him for all of two seconds the night of the attack and I was covered in blood. Again.

When I get to the corridor, I fumble with the button to switch on the flashlight I dig out of my pocket. I need to give it a good shake, but it blinks twice before casting a dim glow onto my path.

No guards inside. At least not here. I know he’s doubled the men outside and on the roof. This house is a fortress.

When I reach the door, I’m grateful to find it unlocked. I hadn’t even thought of that. It’s the only thing that makes a sound when I open it, whining as I pull it only as far as I need to.

I shine my light on the stairs, but the moment I close the door the flashlight fails altogether, plunging me into utter darkness. A black so complete, it’s terrifying. Like being swallowed up by a black hole. Like being the only person left on earth.

Panic has me shaking the flashlight so violently that the little plastic door that keeps the battery in place flies off, sending the battery with it. It makes such a racket as it seems to bounce on every step, that I stand there frozen, holding my breath. I’m sure Cristiano’s heard me, maybe Noah did too. He must have.

When the sound stops, I listen but all is silent. I give it one more minute and I try to feel my way down one, two, three steps. But they’re too uneven and I’m going to fall and break my neck. I need a flashlight.

Lenore had one in the kitchen. A good one.

I turn back, creep back up the stairs and reach to open the door. I wince at the whine. He wouldn’t hear it from the study. He’s too far and it’s not like a door slamming.

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