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First Time For Everything

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“Yeah,” Nikki agreed, her face reflecting her excitement. “I think Mom’s idea to find a celebrity endorsement is inspired.”

Jax fought the emotional tightening of her throat as she studied the faces of the two women who’d so eagerly embraced her cause, all in the name of helping her out. Just like family was supposed to do.

Don’t you dare get too attached, Jax.

This wasn’t her family, and there was no sense in setting herself up for disappointment. But it was nice to once, just once, feel as if she belonged to a unit outside of the club.

With great effort, Jax finally tuned back into Abigail’s speech.

“...because sex sells,” Abigail was saying, and Jax studiously ignored the heated look that Blake sent her.

It was painfully obvious he was thinking about their round of lovemaking today. Jax sent him a shut-up stare. Where was the coolly controlled man when she needed him? The one that calmly set her back after her kiss. The one who’d eaten lunch with them without betraying a hint of attraction? Apparently Blake was beginning to live life a little more on the edge.

And who was ruining the tranquil dinnertime atmosphere now?

“So my friend Franklin is going to use his contacts in the local music industry,” Abigail droned on, and Jax struggled to catch up with the topic. “To see if he can land that sexy Bulldog as a spokesman for the club.”

Blake finally turned his disturbing gaze to his mother in confusion. “Bulldog?”

“He’s the local hip-hop artist that hit the big time.” Abigail shook her head at her son, as if he was derelict in his duties for not being familiar with the hometown rap star. “He’s just back from a fabulously successful world tour. And,” Abigail continued, her grin growing bigger, “he has a body that just screams sex.”

Jax got the impression that Blake was striving to ignore his mother’s comment, but his reluctance to participate was brought up short when his mother turned to Blake.

“What say you, Blake?” Abigail said.

“I have no idea who the man is, nor am I familiar with his body to die for.” A furrow appeared between his brows as he sent his mother a small frown. “And I’m hoping my knowledge of the man’s physique continues to be of the nonexistent kind,” he added drily. His forehead crinkled in concern. “If he is that well-known, surely he won’t have time to take on a club for teens.”

“Are you doubting my skills?” Abigail said.

Blake was obviously fighting back a smile as he answered. “I think the man doesn’t stand a chance against the powerful female force in this room.”

But there was no chastising tone, only acceptance. And a tint of pride.

Nikki pretended to choke on her iced tea. “Did you just pay us a compliment?”

“Blake’s being remarkably good-humored tonight,” Abigail said. She narrowed her eyes at her only son. “Come to think of it, you look more relaxed than you have in ages, despite the trial that could ruin your career if you fail.”

Without missing a beat, Blake lifted a brow. “Thanks for the encouraging words,” he said with a wry twist of his lips.

“I’m only trying to be realistic,” Abigail said airily. And then a line of curiosity formed between her eyebrows. “Which is usually your job. Yet you seem unusually optimistic.” She set her fork down, the lines in her forehead growing deeper. “Why is that?”

Jax felt the inquiry all the way to her curling toes, and silently prayed for tranquility.

Blake shifted in his seat. “The Menendez case goes to jury this week.”

“That’s not the point,” Abigail said. She looked unconcerned about the case. “I don’t think it’s the end of the trial that has you looking so relaxed.”

There was a pause that felt like forever as every blood cell in Jax’s face felt as if it expanded twofold.

Nikki lightly thumped her hand on the table. “I knew it,” she said, her eyes bright with mischief as she addressed her brother. “You hooked up with that uptight defense attorney, didn’t you? The one who’s helping you with Jax’s case.” While Jax blinked back a surge of ridiculous jealousy, Nikki turned to her mother. “I think Blake’s dry spell has finally come to an end. And thank God, too,” she said, lifting a brow at her brother. “Maybe getting started on those two and half children with the perfect lawyer will get you off my case about my lack of a summer internship. I might just send the lady a thank-you note.”

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