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Branna (Slater Brothers 4.5)

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I cringed. “I can wait because that has always and will always freak me out.”

Ryder chuckled and kissed my forehead. “I love you.”

He told me that at least ten times a day since we made up a few months ago. He said he was making up for all the days he didn’t tell me when we hit our rough patch, making sure that every day forward I knew just how deep his love ran for me.

“I love you, too,” I replied, meaning the words with every fibre of my being.

He gave me a squeeze then said, “Dominic is worried about Bronagh.”

Sickness churned in my gut.

“I know.” I swallowed. “She will be a little depressed for a while if Georgie is truly weanin’. She tried to smile and act like she didn’t feel so deeply about it, but I could see how close she was to breakin’ down when they were leavin’ earlier.”

“Dominic called while you were in the restroom and said he brought Georgie to Gravity with him and Damien just to give Bee some time to herself. He said she keeps crying when she looks at the baby.”

My heart hurt.

“I’m goin’ to go over there and spend a couple of hours with ‘er just so she’s not alone. I have the time since we’re here for another night. I don’t know how she feels, but I know it’s not somethin’ she should deal with alone. She’ll send Dominic away so she doesn’t worry ‘im but not me.”

“I’ll drive you.”

I gave Ryder a stern look. “I’ll drive meself since I’m not big enough yet to need assistance.”

Thank God.

My husband’s lips thinned to a line, showcasing his disappointment.

I place my hands on my already expanding hips. “Say whatever it is you want to say.”

He didn’t hesitate.

“I don’t feel comfortable with you—”

“Drivin’?” I finished. “I don’t understand why.”

“You’re pregnant, Branna.”

Very perceptive of you.

“I’m aware of that, honey, but it doesn’t mean I can’t drive. I’m not goin’ to stress and worry about everythin’ that could happen durin’ this pregnancy, okay? I refuse to live me life in fear.”

I lived like that once, and I vowed never to spend another minute lost in the darkness of that kind of dread.

Ryder still wasn’t happy that I clung to my independence so quickly after the horrid things I had endured a few months ago. I think he preferred when I didn’t want to go out by myself, but luckily, he relented and nodded once, accepting my decision. I leaned up on my tiptoes and pecked his lips to show my appreciation for him dropping the matter even though I knew it was hard for him to lighten up on the ‘Branna protection detail’.

“I’ll call you as soon as I get there if it makes you feel any better?”

He gripped my waist tightly with his large hands.

“It would.”

I winked. “Consider it done.”

“We can talk about future babies when you get back,” he said nonchalantly.

I rubbed the base of my neck. “Ry—”


He kissed my forehead, turned, and headed downstairs and into the kitchen, leaving me to stare after him. When he was out of my sight, I shook my head at his pig-headedness and headed downstairs then out of the house. Twenty minutes later, I was parking Ryder’s car—no, our car—in the driveway of Dominic and Bronagh’s house. It was vacant since Dominic wasn’t there. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. I used my house key to let myself in. I had promised to respect Bronagh’s family privacy and swore to only use my key for emergencies, but this was kind of an emergency, so I was putting it to good use.

“Bee?” I called out as I closed the door behind me.

When silence answered me, I frowned.

“Bronagh?” I shouted louder.

I checked the sitting room and kitchen, and when I found they were empty, I headed upstairs, but there was no sign of her or anyone in any of the rooms.

“Where the hell are you?” I mumbled to myself as I dug out my phone from my pocket and dialled my sister’s number.

“‘Ello?” a voice that wasn’t my sister’s answered on the fourth ring.

“Keela?” I said, confused. “Why do you have Bronagh’s phone?”

“It’s a long feckin’ story, Bran,” she grumbled. “I tried ringin’ you, but the reception block in this area is shite. Where are you?”

“I’m in Bronagh’s house,” I answered, placing my free hand on my hip. “Ryder told me Dominic went out with Georgie and Damien to Gravity so she could have some time to ‘erself. We’re pretty sure Georgie is self-weanin’ from breastfeedin’, and Bronagh’s havin’ a rough time with it.”

“Oh, I heard all about it.”

“So she’s with you then?” I asked. “I thought maybe she came by to see you and forgot ‘er phone at your place and that’s how you have it.”

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