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Ethan and Ava (Redwood Falls 4)

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Ethan decided he must have been more exhausted than he'd thought; there was no other explanation for him missing all the moaning and groaning that was coming from that twin bed.

"Oh, my. Look who's home, Shelly." The husky voice belonged to a very naked Isabel. She was straddling Cade's hips, her tits bouncing with each hard landing as she rode his cock. The other chick's eyes were closed and her mouth was slack as she rode Cade's face. Cade's arm was wrapped around her hip with one hand resting on her lower back and the other kneading a breast. He released the tit long enough to acknowledge Ethan with a thumb's up before he went back to it.

"What the fuck, man?" Ethan hissed, incensed. His face was a thundercloud as he slammed the door. He raked the fingers of both hands through his hair. "Aren't you supposed to be out tonight? And what happened to the fucking baseball cap?"

Isabel eased the motion of her hips to a slow, sinuous roll and bit her lip, her eyes flashing as she purred, "Change in plans. Cade-y decided he wanted to party here instead. And the baseball cap? Oh. My bad."

The calculating look in Isabel's heavy-lidded eyes made it clear that she had never intended to be anywhere but right where she was. He'd been set up. Isabel had been after him since the beginning of the semester, but until now she hadn't done more than flirt heavily and try to touch him at every opportunity. She'd obviously decided to step up her game by lying to him at the library that morning.

She slid her hands up to squeeze her generous breasts, pouting prettily as she twisted her nipples between her fingers and thumbs. "You're welcome to join in," she whispered as she continued to ride Cade's cock. "I've always got room for one more. Just tell me what you want."

That got Cade's attention. He shifted and sputtered indignantly, "What the fuck, Isabel?!" His speech was slurred, which wasn't all that unusual for Cade this late in the day.

"Shut up, Cade," Isabel snapped, her face and voice taking on a hard edge before she caught herself and resumed her sexy purr. "Ethan knows he can have whatever he wants." She leaned forward, thrusting her breasts out as her hips picked up speed.

"Fuck, baby, you're gonna make me cum…" Cade groaned, letting his head drop onto the pillow as he pulled the other chick back onto his mouth.

Isabel arched her back before sliding one hand down between her legs. With her eyes fixed hungrily on Ethan's crotch, she tilted her chin toward the nightstand. "Like I said, whatever you want. There's lube in the drawer. I can take you both."

Ethan's face twisted with disgust. "Seriously?!" he fumed. "Man, you can really pick 'em. I don't have time for this shit. I'd rather sleep in my fuckin' truck."

He grabbed his backpack and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him with a resounding crack that echoed off the hallway walls.


Ava was in her bedroom sorting through clothes. The last two weeks had been telling. What had been a bump that she'd managed to conceal from the world had suddenly changed into a baby that she couldn't hide any longer. The kids at school—hell, the adults, too—everyone was suddenly staring at her. They had to know. Her mom was in denial if she thought people hadn't figured it out. Ava refused to worry about it. She was pregnant and fuck everyone who didn't like it.

But she was miserable. Her clothing was so tight that she couldn't stand the restrictive feeling around her waist anymore. But she couldn't handle the thought of pointing out to her mother that she desperately needed maternity clothing. All that would accomplish would be more vitriol, and Ava wasn't up for that right now.

Life was sucking and big time. Not only did she ache for Ethan on a daily basis, an hourly basis if truth be told, but now Hannah and Josh were in a huge fight and somehow, Ty had wound up right in the middle of it. She loved her brother, she really did, but sometimes he had no filter, you know? He said what he wanted to say, and he acted without thinking.

It was certainly no secret to Ava that he'd had a little thing for Hannah for months, as peculiar as that was. But up until now, he'd seemed to respect his friendship with Josh and ignored whatever feelings he had for Hannah, if, indeed, he'd had any at all. Sometimes Ava thought her brother was hiding something, something he had no control over, something that had zero to do with Hannah. Whatever it was, it seemed to make him do stupid things.

And making a move on Hannah was by far one of the stupidest things her brother had done to date. Granted, the fight that Hannah and Josh were embroiled in could have been interpreted as a complete break up. In fact, Hannah had called it a break up, and that's the story her brother was sticking to. But there was no question in Ava's mind, whether they'd broken up for a time or not, Ty had stepped over a line and now Josh was beyond pissed at him.

And on top of that unsavory situation, her parents had taken a few days off work and left to go out of town again. Normally, she'd be thrilled to be free of them for a few days, but Ty had told her in confidence that this shopping trip wasn't a shopping trip at all. They'd gone to Dallas with the express purpose of finding a home for unwed mothers. A home where they could stick her and forget about her, a home that would arrange an adoption after the baby was born. Oh, h

ell no. Fuck that shit.

And even though Ty was sometimes a fuckup, her brother had her back and had always told her the truth.

Her emotions in disarray, she began making three piles of clothing. Things she couldn't wear any longer, things that were way too tight but still technically fit, and a third, sad little miserable pile of clothing that she'd previously hated because the garments were so bulky that they made her look fat—but this was the tiny pile she knew she'd be wearing in the near future. Ugh.

A tap sounded on her door and Ty stuck his head in. "Hey."

"Hey," she answered, motioning him into her room.

He walked inside and looked around at her things before speaking. "So, listen. Mom spilled more info this morning. They're going to be gone at least two days and I've got some time off from the lumber yard."

"Okay?" she asked hopefully, wondering where he was going with this.

"Josh is still too pissed to talk to me in a sane manner," Ty continued.

Ava felt sorry for her brother but damn, sometimes he just didn't think. "Can you blame him?" she asked neutrally.

Ty blew out a breath as if he knew he'd been a dumbass. "No. I know I fucked up. But I can only apologize so much, you know?"

"Yeah, that's true."

He studied her intently. "I've got to get out of town for a while, get my head together. I don't know why the hell I snapped and made a move on Hannah, because nothing's ever really been about her. I mean, I like her. I think she's cool, but she was just a distraction, you know?"

Ava stared at her brother a moment before answering, "Not really, no. She's with Josh. What do you mean by distraction? And why her?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Because she's always around. She's your best friend and Josh's girlfriend and she's always around. Sometimes when you try to get your mind off one thing, you start to think about something or someone else."

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