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Seduced by the American Millionaire (Louisiana Liaisons 1)

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Her skirt was short, her heels were high, and her make-up was impeccable. She looked hot and sexy, but there was nothing about the outfit that he could call slutty. She had chosen well. She looked at him and her expression dared him to complain. He didn't. He wanted to. But, he didn't.

He did, however, have a few things to say. As usual. "Jenny. I specifically remember talking about this. You were going to dress conservatively."

"Oh my God. This is conservative. This isn't slutty at all, Richard. No boobs, see? " She pushed her chest towards him. Her high, round little boobs were up in the air. Her shoulders were back.

"I can see boobs. But, okay. No bra showing. I get that. Good job there, sweetheart. But what about those legs? "

"Well, we can't leave them at home. They have to come with me. This skirt is not short. I wear this into the office. You are being ridiculous. Obstinate. And you are about to piss me off. Now, let's go. "

"Okay. But I'm warning you. Just one mother fucker looks at you the wrong way, and I'm locking you in my office. Got that? " Possessiveness was running through his veins. Irritation at the thought that he could be jealous. He had never been jealous in his life.

"Yes, oh mighty one. I've got that. " She sailed passed him to the car.

Jenny sat across from him in the booth. He had tried to slide her in first so that she would be between him and the wall. She had balked at that. The more she got to know him, the more amazed she was at his machinations. The man truly wanted to get his own way. Yet, as the night wore on, she was beginning to think that he mostly acted that way with her. The idea was intriguing.

There was no doubt that he was a little spoiled. But he was also kind and generous. The bar had gotten busy early that night. He was patient with the waiter when their food came out cold. He was patient with the bartender when their drinks came over wrong. But he had bitten her head off when she got up to excuse herself to the restroom. "Didn't you go before you left the house? "

He barked and grabbed her hand and held her beside the table. She frowned. "That was three hours ago. Let go, Richard. I have to go. " She pulled on her hand.

"Don't go to the women's room in the back. Use the bathroom in my office. " He released her.

"Oh, whatever. " She rolled her eyes at him and turned away.

Bringing her here had been a mistake. He was feeling the same gut-churning emotions as two weeks ago when he had seen her for the first time. Only now, it was multiplied by ten. Back then, the men stared at the new merchandise. Now, they were salivating over her beauty and intrigued because she was with him.

He thought about her accusation that he was a dictator. Well, Goddamn, what did she expect? Did she expect him just to let her run loose and get lost in Baton Rouge? Did she think he didn't care if she stalled out in high water? Did she expect him to sit back and watch some guy hit on her, in his own fucking bar?

Unease gripped him. He knew he wasn't acting rationally with her. He probably should just quit seeing her and all this bullshit would go away. He thought about giving up her wholesomeness, her beauty. He thought about her liquid heat enfolding him. Hell no, he wouldn't give her up yet. He wasn't ready to let her go, and he damn well wasn't going to. He refused to consider the reason why she made him so fucked up. He wasn't even going to go there. He acknowledged he was a spoiled-ass bastard. He wanted to keep her. So he would.

As she left his office, she glanced around. The bar was filling up quickly. She had been oblivious to it earlier as they sat in the booth. Her attention had been solely fixed on him. Even though he had been attentive to her the whole time, she knew he saw everything going on around them.

"Jenny, right? " She stopped and looked at the bartender smiling and calling her name. She walked over and stood next to the bar.

"That's right. How are you? "

"I'm fine. My name's Sabrina. So, you and Richard, huh? " She lifted her brows and grinned in female camaraderie.

Jenny had to laugh. "Yeah, I guess so. What do you think? " she asked. Sabrina looked about twenty-five, and she was pretty in an unassuming way. The girl was being friendly and curious and Jenny enjoyed talking to her.

"I think you're brave. I mean, he's hot and all, I mean, for an old guy-- "

Jenny laughed out loud. "Yeah. I think he's hot, too. And probably old for you, but just right for me. "

"Yep. You seem perfect for him. I hope he realizes that. I like you, so I'm going to warn you. He uses women. Mostly the barflies that troll this place. He has a good heart, but he can be a real ass. Don't let him hurt you. "

Jenny saw the sincerity and concern in Sabrina's eyes. She nodded her head in agreement.

"Don't look now, but one of them is circling him now. " Sabrina was looking past Jenny and in Richard's direction.

"Are you serious? " Her voice sounded distressed, even to herself.

"Yeah. Hold on a minute, I need to serve that guy. Just a sec. " She moved down the bar and Jenny watched the mirror behind the bar. She could see a tall blonde leaning on Richard's table. Irritation went through her. She was stunned when the blonde reached out and minutely adjusted his tie. The movement incensed her. She couldn't see Richard's face but he didn't seem to mind. He was still sitting there.

Sabrina sailed back over and put a drink down in front of her. "For you. From that guy down there. "

Jenny was preoccupied with the booth behind her, and wasn't paying much attention. She reached down and took a fortifying sip. She glanced down the bar where a man about her age was looking at her and smiling. He lifted his glass to toast her. She tried to smile her thanks.

She looked back at Sabrina and asked, "What should I do? " She felt helpless and awkward in the situation and didn't want to just walk back over there with the blonde hanging around.

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