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Under the Cowboy's Control

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Before long, she found herself seated in a chair beside the large cooking stove, being treated like a queen. Juan stayed to translate, and they wouldn't let her lift a finger. Between the three of them, they decided on a meal, and she gave the instructions as the cook began the preparations, with Juan helping him as he needed it.

She sat and practiced her English, and found she only needed Juan a few t

imes to help her in a tight spot or two. She enjoyed herself, getting to know the two men, and getting to rest at the same time. No matter how many times she stood to help, they would shoo her back to her chair, and she would have to sit back down.

They prepared another basic meal of hamburgers and French fries, and they discussed the many things they could make, and the things she could teach Slim, if they drove to Laredo to buy supplies. There was enough food prepared to carry some back to the big house, so she wouldn't have to make supper again that night.

The sun was just starting to drop in the sky, when the screen door slammed and all three of them looked up to see Travis glaring from the doorway.

His voice was low and vibrated with suppressed anger. "I've been looking for you.

Why are you out here?"

Selena felt a kick of excitement low in her belly. She was trying to form the English words to answer him when Slim spoke.

"We went and brung the little girlie back with us so she could show me something else to make for the men. You was about to have a mutiny on your hands, Boss."

His explanation was jovial, not realizing the situation between his boss and the young girl.

Travis grunted, trying to control the unwarranted rage in his system. "You finished with her? I'm hungry and want my food." His words sounded spoiled, and a look passed between Slim and Juan.

Slim answered quickly. "Sure, Boss. We're finished up here." He turned to Selena.

"Thank you kindly, Miss. The boys will be happy for a change and not threatening me with bodily harm. I'm beholden to you."

Selena smiled and inclined her head graciously. "You're welcome, Mister Slim. I will help you any time." She gracefully slid off the chair and made her way to the door, carrying the small box that carried their supper.

Travis stood back to let her exit, and took the box from her hands as she passed him. She walked through the doorway, and his eyes moved to her butt. His gaze went from her silky hair to her tiny feet. He followed her across the yard, to the big house. When the door shut behind them, he moved across to the table and deposited the box there. He leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest and smoldered.

She valiantly ignored him and got two plates from the cabinet and set them on the table. When she turned for the flatware, he stopped her.

"I thought I told you to stay in the house."

She recognized the controlled anger in his voice and hesitated. "That w-was before."

"Before what?" Antagonism radiated from him.

"Before, wh-when they thought I w-was a boy." She explained slowly, trying to get the words correct.

"No. You're mistaken." His deep voice flowed like whiskey. "I don't want you out there, running around, causing fights between the men. You are too damn pretty for your own good. If you keep flaunting yourself in front of them, one of them is going to get the idea he can have you."

A frown crossed her brow. He couldn't be saying what she thought he was.

"Flaunting? What is flaunting?"

"Flaunting. You know, sashaying your ass all around them. Playing the part of the perfect female, needing help with the washing machine, or sharing your cooking skills. You can't try to be friends with them. You need to keep your little butt in the house."

Selena sucked in her breath at his meaning. He held himself perfectly still, and his tone was even. But she could see the effort it was taking him. She couldn't let him get away with this, virtually keeping her prisoner in this house. But she didn't want to provoke him, either. He looked ready to snap. Maybe she could put this off until another day. After all, she had no reason to leave the house any time soon.

She rolled her eyes at him and tried for a tone between placating and amusing. "As you wish. I don't want any deaths." She turned away in dismissal.

He came up behind her and wrapped one arm around her waist, lowered his mouth to her ear and hissed, "You think this is funny Selena, but I'm telling you, you have no idea how beautiful you are. What you can do to a man without even trying."

Selena felt the immediate impact of his masculinity, wrapping itself around her.

She had to concentrate, try to think. "Your m-men, they are old. I am like a daughter, a granddaughter."

His reply was instant. "Clinton isn't old."

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