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Under the Cowboy's Control

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" Si, Senorita, but two of the kittens are like nothing you've ever seen before. Just wait. And the mama, she is so proud." They reached the dark barn, and she followed Juan inside. They waited by the entrance until their eyes adjusted to the dimness inside.

"Okay, we must be quiet and not startle the proud mama. She is nursing her babies, si?"

Juan led Selena over to a dark corner of the building where a stack of tires was located. They stood and peered around them, and Selena made out the mama cat with five babies nursing. "Oh, they are wonderful," she whispered.

" Si, they are wonderful. But can you make out the differences in their colors? See, three of the babies are mottled, calico kittens." He pointed to the three little patchwork kittens.

"Yes, I see. And I see two little black and white kittens." Selena studied the kittens intently.

Juan let out a small chuckle. "Look more closely. Those two aren't kittens. They are skunks."

Selena straightened and gasped. "Skunks? She looked over at Juan, dumbfounded.

"Si. Travis found the two little skunks this morning, abandoned. A coyote must have gotten the mama skunk. He brought the two little ones to the mama cat, to see if she would accept them. So far, she has." Juan looked back down at the ragged group of animals. "But look, the mama can't figure out the difference in smell. She keeps cleaning them."

Selena watched the cat lick the two little skunks repeatedly. She took long swipes with her tongue, trying to clean the scent from the two little black and white bodies.

The other three kittens nursed alongside, contentedly.

A vision of Travis finding the skunks and picking them up and bringing them to the mama cat tickled her brain. Only a kind, gentle man would try to save the lives of two baby skunks. Pleasure tingled down her spine at the thought.

"Won't they spray?" Selena leaned closer.

"They shouldn't. Not yet, and not if they don't get scared. Hopefully, they will feel no threat, and we won't have a problem. Time will tell. Stranger things happen every day."

Selena turned back to Juan. "Thank you for coming to get me. Thank you for sharing this with me. It's like a little miracle."

"You're welcome, Senorita. I must get back to work. You can come visit them anytime, if you like. You can find your way back to the house, si?" He turned toward the door.

" Si, Juan, and thank you." The old cowhand left and she turned back to the little animals, intrigued. She had never seen anything like it before in her life. The mother had temporarily given up on cleaning the skunks, and lay back and closed her eyes, resting and nursing the babies. Selena reached out and softly stroked the animals. She made gentle cooing noises as she petted them.

Travis walked back into the house at three o'clock, his stomach rubbing against his backbone. It wasn't a good idea to go without lunch. He did too much physical labor on a daily basis to miss a meal. He walked into the kitchen and looked at the empty table. Selena had put the food away. He walked over to the fridge and opened it, looking for a wrapped plate that contained his lunch. He didn't see anything. He hadn't had time earlier to even notice what she had laid out for him, before he had heard her scream. He didn't know if it was sandwiches or something hot. Sometimes she served him leftovers from the night before. He didn't know what he was searching for.

He hollered her name. "Selena." He stood with the refrigerator door open, expecting her to make an appearance. "Selena, I'm starving."

She didn't come.

He shut the door and went to search for her. The house was empty, and she wasn't on the front porch. He got a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as he remembered the shattered look on her face at lunchtime. He walked in her room and saw her few possessions neatly placed on the desk. Relief washed down his spine, and irritation took its place. Where the hell was she?

He slammed out the back door and headed for the bunkhouse and kitchen. Maybe she was with Slim again. Before he could get there he saw Clinton leave the implement barn. A dark haze of suspicion gripped him. He stalked in that direction, pure anger fast replacing irritation. Clinton mounted his horse and rode in the opposite direction before he was even halfway there. Next, Slim and Gus came out of the barn, and all at once he knew what he was going to find.

Selena sat on the ground, her chin propped up on her hands, watching the squiggly little animals. One by one, the ranch hands had heard about the skunks, and for the past hour they had been coming and going from the implement barn.

Hearing the gruff men whisper and trying not to make any noise made her smile.

They were just sweet, gentle men. Every one of them had been amazed to see the little skunks nursing the mama cat.

Selena heard the door open again and saw Travis walking across the barn, straight for her. Her stomach quivered and she stiffened her spine. She pushed to her feet and turned to face him, all in one quick movement.

They stood staring at each other, each lost in their own memories of the afternoon that had just past.

A look passed over his face, and Selena decided to take no chances. She made to brush right past him. He reached out and grabbed

her arm. His hand completely wrapped around her. His thumb moved back and forth, and their eyes clashed.

"Where do you think you're going?" His voice was deep, but not loud.

"The house." She pulled her arm from him and walked away.

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