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Her First Choice

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Leaving the jewelers, they went into a hotel restaurant and had a quick meal, and her mind shied away from what had happened next. They hadn’t packed for an overnight stay, and she hadn’t understood why he’d checked into the hotel after they ate. Her stomach had been tied in knots through the meal anyway, and apprehension and nerves screamed in her bloodstream as he pulled her by the hand up the elevators to a room.

The minute the door had clicked shut, he turned to her and began unbuttoning her blouse.

Panic attacked her and she put her fingers over his to stop him. “What are y-you doing?”

He brushed her hands aside and continued to strip her. “Consummating the marriage,” he answered harshly.

“Why? Can’t we wait?”

“No. I want it consummated now.”

Disturbed by what they were doing and his reasons for it, she tried to slow him down by lightening the atmosphere. “Why?” Her voice was soft, trying to soothe him. “I’m not going anywhere.”

His eyes lifted from her buttons and tangled with hers. “No. You can bet your ass you’re not going anywhere,” he answered severely, his voice dripping ruthless possession.

Her pulse went spinning as he unhooked her bra and pushed it out of his way. He pulled her over to the king sized bed, and unhooked her skirt. “Step out of it.”

Her mind in a daze at the speed of his movements, she stepped from her clothes and moved onto the bed.

He quickly stripped and pushed her legs apart and climbed on top of her. Her heartbeat going wild, she spoke in a whisper of defiance. “Just for two years.”

The challenge was a mistake.

His nostrils flared at her words and he grabbed her wrists, lifting them over her head. His erection huge and pulsing, he began to push into her. He stretched her completely, transferred her wrists to one strong hand, and lifted her face to his with the other. “When I’m good and goddamn ready. And not a day before.”


The plane began its descent and Jenna pulled her mind from the troubling thoughts. His entire demeanor had changed after the marriage vows had taken place. It had only gotten worse after he had consummated the marriage.

Suddenly, he owned her.

He began to wake up from the change in cabin pressure, and she took the opportunity to slip her fingers from his.

With hands that shook, she smoothed the creases from her skirt just to give herself something to do. She could feel his eyes on her.

The drive from the airport was well under way when she glanced over at him, his focus on the road. “It’s too late for me to pack tonight. Just drop me at my house and I’ll pack tomorrow.”

His eyes cut away from the road and landed on her. “No.”

“David, I—”

“Don’t start with me, Jenna. You’re not spending our wedding night away from me.”

“But, I—”

“The subject’s closed.”

She sucked in a breath as her nervous tension heightened.

When he pulled into his garage and the doors shut behind them, her apprehension worsened. She was bone-deep tired, her nerves were stretched thin, and she suddenly felt like crying.

He helped her out of the car, and trailed her into the house. All she had with her was what she had grabbed that morning for the one day trip. She had a toothbrush, some make-up and the clothes she was wearing. Her blouse was silky and comfortable, and she guessed she would have to sleep in it. The thought of climbing into his bed naked was not appealing. Would he want sex again? She desperately needed some time alone to regroup.

She softly announced her intentions. “I’m tired. I’d like to clean up and go to bed.”

He stood in the foyer, looking through the mail. He glanced up when she spoke. “That’s fine. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Jenna turned away and silently headed for the stairs. She hadn’t been upstairs yet, but knew she would find what her body was aching for. A bathtub.

The second door she came to was a bathroom located between two bedrooms. She looked in and saw the large, oval shaped tub. She closed the door, turned the taps on, and tested the temperature of the water filling the tub. She wanted it hot. Satisfied, she turned away, brushed her teeth, and clipped her hair on top of her head.

Minutes later, her eyes were closed and she was relaxing in the water. Or trying to.

She could hear him banging around downstairs, slamming doors and getting ready for bed. Finally, silence descended, and she slowly began to feel the tension seep from her limbs.

The water was heavenly, washing away her anxiety and the smell of the airports, taxi-cabs, and stale smoke that had been around her all day.

Her mind froze and her relaxation fled as the door opened with a snap.

Her eyes popped open to find him in the doorway, his stance rigid, his expression clouded in anger.

“Why are you up here?”

Shock held Jenna silent for a moment as he stepped into the room and placed his hands on the edge of the tub, leaning over her. Her insides quivered when his eyes dropped to her body, showing clearly through the water. She crossed her arms over her exposed breasts as volatile emotions charged through her.

Anger that he was invading her privacy battled with her insecurities over the situation she found herself in. What had happened to her life in the last few days? How had it gone so badly off the rails? She blamed herself as well as him. She was deeply ashamed of the anger she had felt that had goaded her into accepting his indecent proposal.

She wanted to scream; she wanted to cry.

She did both.

Her eyes flooded with tears as she screamed at him. “I’m taking a bath. Get out!”

He didn’t move an inch. “Why aren’t you downstairs in my bathroom?” he asked, his voice harsh.

“There’s only a shower down there,” she answered, piercing him with her stare. “Get out.”

He reached down and swiped a wrist and held it tightly. “Is that the only reason?”

She pulled on her wrist and felt a tear spill down her cheek. He held tightly. No, that wasn’t the only reason, but she wasn’t stupid enough to tell him that tonight. She didn’t have the stamina to deal with any of this tonight. Tomorrow would be soon enough.

She quit trying to get her wrist free and forced herself to relax in his hold. She wiped the tears with the back of her free hand and looked away from his intent scrutiny. “David, please, I just want a bath,” she whispered.

He studied her a few seconds and then released her from his hold, moving to the door. “Thirty minutes. If you’re not downstairs in thirty minutes, Jenna, I’m coming back up here to get you.”

The door clicked shut behind him.

Her bath ruined, her thoughts in turmoil, Jenna slowly climbed from the water and began to dry off. Not even twenty-four hours since he put the ring on her finger, and she was already questioning where her sanity had been when she agreed to this.

So what if he was a fantastic lover? So what if she had unreasonable debt? Where the hell had her brain been when she’d agreed to this madness? He would take over her life if she let him. He was already showing the signs of it. And did she want that? No. Absolutely not. He only wanted to use her for two years, get what he needed from her, and then throw her aside. What the hell had she been thinking?

She raged at herself as she rinsed her panties and bra out in the sink. Washing her things only got her more riled up. He didn’t care about her comfort. He didn’t care if she didn’t have fresh things in the morning. All he cared about was himself. His reasons for needing a wife.

She was just an object to him. An object to be used. Already she could tell what kind of marriage this was going to be. A marriage of his convenience. Was it too late? Could she get out of it? Suddenly, the impact of him consummating the marriage so quickly blew through her brain. Had he anticipated her reaction? God, he was manipulative! But he hadn’t paid her the hundred grand yet. They were supposed to take

care of that on Monday when the banks were open. Tomorrow was Sunday. Or today was Sunday already. She yawned and climbed into her silk blouse. It barely covered the tops of her thighs. She felt naked and exposed without panties.

Her mind continued around and around. Maybe she shouldn’t take the money. Maybe she should just run. Run for her life.

Castigating herself for being so melodramatic, she brushed out her hair, cut the light out and walked downstairs.

As she took the last step down, shock held her rigid as she saw him sitting in a large armchair in the living room, facing the stairway, waiting for her. His hair was damp from a shower, and he wore nothing except boxer briefs.

She swallowed hard and stalled her movements. His eyes were dark, intense, fastened on her completely. A river of both fear and arousal hit her in the stomach and coursed through her body as his intent stare penetrated her.

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