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The Greek Children's Doctor

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Libby laughed. ‘I didn’t want to go down the aisle looking like a blancmange. Not my style. And anyway a long dress would have hidden my shoes. Don’t you just love my shoes?’

Alex glanced down. ‘I think the SAS use something similar for weapons training.’

Still laughing, Libby leaned across and kissed him. ‘You’re a total pain but surprisingly enough I’m going to miss you. Why do you have to go to Cornwall? Why can’t you be a GP in London?’

Alex was suddenly still. ‘Actually, I’m not going to be a GP,’ he said casually. ‘I miss the pace of A and E.’

Her eyes widened. ‘You’re going back to trauma?’

‘I am.’


‘In Cornwall. I need a change of scenery.’ Alex gave a wicked smile. ‘And, anyway, I’ve been out with all the blonde women in London.’

Libby looked at him thoughtfully. ‘Perhaps that’s where you’re going wrong. Perhaps you should pick a woman who isn’t blonde. What you need is a tiny, dark-haired girl with a flat chest.’

Alex threw back his head and laughed, and Libby caught her breath. Her brother was astonishingly handsome. It was hardly surprising that he broke hearts everywhere he went.

He was still smiling as he looked at her. ‘Why on earth would I need someone like that?’

‘Because all the women you’ve dated so far have failed to keep your attention for longer than five minutes,’ Libby explained with impeccable logic, ‘so you need to date someone who is totally opposite to your usual.’

‘Thanks for the advice,’ Alex said dryly, standing up and nodding briefly as Andreas approached. ‘Are you absolutely sure you did the right thing, marrying this woman? I mean, according to Adrienne, women were queuing up to marry you.’

‘I did the right thing.’ Andreas held out a hand and gave a slow smile that made Libby’s heart race. Suddenly she forgot about her brother. All she could think about was her own future, with the man she loved.

She stood up and held out a hand. ‘Time to smash some plates, Dr Christakos.’

And Andreas led her onto the dance-floor.

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