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The Arrangement 18 (The Arrangement 18)

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Sean wipes away another tear before it can drop. His warm hands cradle my face, but he doesn’t force me to look up. Instead, I stare at the diploma while a whirlwind of feelings cyclone together inside my chest.

My parents were supposed to be here. They would have been proud. I had plans for graduate school and plans for life, now none of them will happen. At least that’s what I thought. Getting the diploma changes things, but when I look at it, I don’t see my struggles or my accomplishments—I see blood on an eyelet bedspread and the blank look on Amber’s lifeless body.

At some point I start prattling these things, bearing my soul to Sean in a way I’ve not done in a long time. I wipe away a tear. “How am I supposed to be proud of this when every time I look at it the only thing I see is death?” I laugh nervously and avoid his gaze. “Now isn’t a good time to return me, or throw back any of the dumbass things I’ve done lately. Don’t push me Sean, I can't handle it.”

Sean shifts his stance. He’s been listening to me, closed off, with his arms plastered to his chest. However, with my last statement, his arms drop to his sides and he steps forward, closer. “I’m sorry things didn’t happen the way you wanted. I’m sorry you feel like their blood is on your hands, but it’s not. I also know that I can tell you that for twenty years and you won’t hear it, so hear this—I never, ever thought I’d be this close to you again.”

He suddenly falls silent, so I glance up. His eyes are on the carpet and his hands are in his hair, as if he doesn’t know what to say. “I pushed you away, too hard, too many times. You deserve better.”

We stare at each other for a moment. Neither of us speaks. Time stills and this feels like one of those points that matter. I can blow him off and we can go back to the squabbling or I can do something else, something different and see where it leads.

My face scrunches up as I try not to cry. Stepping forward, I put the diploma down and step into Sean’s space and press my body to his chest, hoping his arms will come up around me. He’s not good at comforting, and this embrace reminds him of Amanda, I know it does, so I’ve avoided it—but not anymore.

Slowly his hands lift and find my back. He slides them into place and holds onto me.

I go on, bearing my soul. “Naked Guy was a douchebag, but I wouldn’t have wished that on him. He tried to hurt me, plus he launched those videos of me sexting all over. But Amber—she didn’t deserve it. If every bitch in the world was shot, there’d be less than a dozen women remaining and a lot of horny men.”

Sean stifles a giggle and nearly chokes, but he seems to sense what I’m thinking. “Listen to me, Avery. Amber was a cop, and she knew the risk going in. Her death isn’t on your shoulders, and you shouldn’t feel badly about getting your degree either. You worked for it. You sacrificed everything, every moral, every virtue, so you could have this degree.”

I feel so conflicted. My past and my present have collided together. “I know, but now that I have it, it wasn’t worth it. If I could go back and undo everything, I would.”

“Everything?” His voice is light, nervous. He knows I’ll tell him the truth.

Once I met Sean Ferro, my life became an untamed mess. I dropped the reigns the night he kissed me. Everything has run wild since then. I never thought I’d be standing here inside the Ferro mansion, next to this man, and yet here I am.

Pulling back, I look up at him. “Let’s not be coy anymore. If you have a question, ask it.”

“You know what I’m asking.” He stiffens, and the line between his brows deepens with worry.

“That’s like saying, you know I love you.” I say the last part in a dumb guy voice.

Sean smirks. “I don’t sound like that.”

“Then, ask me, Mr. Jones and I’ll tell you the truth. What is it that you really want to know?”

Sean has a lump in his throat that he can’t swallow. It feels like I’m torturing him, but if we’re wading into new waters here, we’re going together. I take his hand and try to catch his eye.

His voice comes out so soft, so insecure, that it nearly tears me in two. “Do you wish we never met?”


His question, God, it’s awful. I don’t think, I don’t judge, I just talk. I hope that letting the floodgates open will finally help me see where I need to go. “After my parents died, I lost everything—my family, my childhood home—everything. The night I jumped on the back of your bike was one of the worst nights I’d had since the cops came and told me that my parents were gone. All my earthly possessions were in that car, and that car—” I let out a rush of air and push my hair out of my face, “—was the only thing I had left of my dad. No one helped me. No one cared enough to do a damn thing. But you did. The guy you try so hard to hide from the rest of the world was out in full force that night. I wouldn’t wish that away, not for anything.”

Sean turns quickly, making it so I can’t see his eyes. “Let me run a bath for you.”

That was an unexpected response. Not the typical Sean reply. I step in front of him, and place my hand on his chest. There’s a sheen on his eyes and I know he’s choked up. I don’t know what else to say and I want to see him smile. Looking up into his eyes I whisper, “There’s no mention of baths in that contract.”

“There’s no point stipulating that we had to sell our souls and yet here we are. Somehow we both went down the same road.” He looks down at me with a soft expression on his face. It’s as if he wants to tell me something but doesn’t know how to put it into words. Sean places his hand on my cheek and runs it down my face, feeling the smoothness of my skin.

I hesitate, and look up at him. I wonder where this softness is coming from and how long it will last. There have been too many times when a side of Sean has come out, only to be driven back into the darkness faster than I can blink. I try to remember that that’s who he is. He’s a man that darts in and out of the shadows. Sean Ferro wants to be unseen, unheard, and unknown. The problem is that he’s stolen my heart, and every time he recedes into the shadows, it goes with him.

Clearing my throat, I ask, “What about you? Do you wish you’d driven on, and ignored me like everyone else?” It’s a question that I always wanted to ask, but never have. That night changed both our lives. He could’ve driven on, he could’ve ignored me. If he had, things would’ve been so much simpler for him. Stopping could’ve been one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

Sean leans in close and presses his lips to my cheek, and then slowly moves to the other side of my face, repeating the motion. The touch is so tender, I want to cry. I steel myself for whatever is coming next, for whatever words come out of his mouth.

Sean’s lips part and his crystal blue gaze locks with mine. The corners of his mouth lift and he says, “A woman that determined to get back something of questionable value—on her own—is a force to be reckoned with. There’s no way I was passing you by.”

He smiles as he says it, as if it were a secret that no one knew. He runs his hands over my face again, cupping my cheek, and sweeping his thumb over my skin. I think he's going to stop, I don’t expect him to reveal more, he never does. But this time Sean surprises me. He continues in this surreal confession of the night we met.

Continuing, he says, “You amazed me, which is something rare. I wanted to know everything about you as soon as I saw you sprint down the road. You’re a fighter, brave and beautiful, and there is nothing I would have changed about that day. In fact, I thank God for it every time I close my eyes. You’ve changed my nightmares to dreams, taming my fears with your boldness. You’ve made yourself vulnerable for me, to me—trusted me when you had no reason to—and it’s not quite what I want, we’re not there yet, and it’s my fault.”

Before I can ask him what he means, Sean leans in slowly, leaving the slightest separation between us. The warmth of his lips slip over my mouth and I want to lean in and kiss him. Sean continues, “I’m vulnerable now. They all know, every single one of them, except you.”


“Are you going to make me ask a question in my dumb guy voice?” I smile softly.

Sean laughs and shakes his head. His dark hair falls into his eyes. “I love you. I won’t hide it anymore. Being apart from you is killing me. The secrets between us, the fact that you ran to my mother instead of me isn’t right. I want you. I want your trust, and your love. I want to be the one who protects you and I want you to trust me in every sense of the word. You’re my weakness, my addiction, and I’m not willing to give you up.” He grins at me for a moment. “And obviously we’ll need to make amendments to that contract, although I thought bathing was assumed, dirty girl.” He presses his finger to my nose, copying my prior booping.

The corners of my lips tug up, suddenly feeling playful. “Ass.”

“Beautiful.” He says it with that sexy smirk.


“Goddess,” he breathes this as if I am life itself, as if he believes it’s true.

The sincerity of his words, the intensity of them, throws me off balance. I laugh and shove his chest. “Jerkface.”

Sean chortles and grabs my hands gently. “Get in the tub and I’ll explain why you’re marrying another man.”


I make a face showing just how much I detest this idea. “You were serious about that?”

“Why do you keep asking me that? When do I joke about anything?” Sean’s voice is flat and serious.


Sean jokes about very little. The times that I can get him to lighten up and I can see those darling dimples, and hear that hypnotic laugh—I live for those times. I guess that means he seriously wants me to marry Trystan Scott. I can’t imagine Trystan would agree to it, so I don’t freak out then and there. Besides, Sean can’t tell me who to marry.

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