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Wicked Grind (Stark World 1)

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Wyatt didn't turn. Didn't look at Kelsey. Didn't even think about what he was doing.

Instead, he simply lashed out, his fist saying all the words he didn't bother to articulate. One punch and the drunk went down.

The bastard looked up at Wyatt from his new perspective, his eyes wide with surprise, a trickle of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"What the fuck, man?" He started to sit up. "You hit me over a goddamn whore?"


That was the last straw. Wyatt launched himself, practically falling down onto the guy, who cowered back, real fear shining in those beady, bloodshot eyes. Wyatt grabbed his arm, then twisted it back and up, putting pressure on the joint, pushing it almost to the breaking point.

"Apologize to the lady," he demanded as Kelsey yelled for him to stop, and the bartender made noises about kicking them both out of the club.

Wyatt tuned it all out. "I said apologize, you worthless piece of shit."

"Dammit, Wyatt, stop!" Kelsey called. "You're going to break his arm."

At the moment, Wyatt didn't care. But he looked at the guy's face, saw that he was turning green, and backed off. The guy sucked in air, his face a mask of fury so greenish-red it seemed like Christmas.

Wyatt climbed to his feet, then hauled the drunk up beside him. The guy wobbled, unsteady on his feet. Wyatt didn't much care about that either. "Get the fuck out of here," he insisted, as he gave the guy a push. For a moment, it looked like the drunk would fight back, but then the vigor seemed to drain out of him, and he backed away, pausing only long enough to shoot Wyatt the finger.

"And you," Wyatt continued, pointing at Kelsey. "You're coming with me."

Her eyes went wide. "The hell I will." She lifted her chin, obviously digging her heels.

He took a step toward her, so damn frustrated he was seriously considering scooping her up over his shoulder and hauling her the hell out of there.

The bouncer was on the stage now, and he stepped in front of Wyatt. "You need to leave, too, sir."

"Not a problem. I just need the lady to come with me." He looked past the bouncer, his eyes hard on Kelsey's. "Now."

The bouncer shifted his attention toward Kelsey. "You with this guy?" he asked, then stood silently, obviously waiting for her answer. Honestly, Wyatt wasn't sure he wanted to hear it. She looked ready to explode. Her cheeks were red, and when she opened her mouth to answer, Wyatt wasn't sure if she was going to let out a howl of fury or actually answer the question.

Finally, she spoke. "My stuff's in the dressing room."

"Then go get it and meet me at my car."

"I've got my own car."

"Dammit, Kelsey, quit arguing."

The bouncer took a threatening step toward him. "The lady s

ays she has her own car."

Wyatt ignored him, his attention on Kelsey. "Will you just do this? Please?"

For a moment, he thought she was going to keep up the fight. But then she nodded, and relief flooded through him, so potent it almost knocked him over.

"Good," he said. "Fine." He swallowed, then added, "Thank you."

She nodded, then turned her back on him. He lingered a moment, watching her walk away. And hoping that, unlike twelve years ago, this time she'd come back to him.


Twelve years ago

Wyatt watched her leave, the pretty girl with the dark hair that flashed sparks of red when the sun hit it just right.

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