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Leigh said, bouncing from foot to foot. "Now get out of bed. I haven't had anyone to hit balls with in forever. You do play tennis, right?"

Ariana glanced over her shoulder at the blazing sun. She imagined it was at least a hundred and five degrees out there. All she wanted to do was stay inside with the air-conditioning and sleep for another five hours. But this wasn't about what she wanted. It was about what she needed. And she needed Briana Leigh to keep her around.

"Sure," Ariana said, shoving the comforter aside and swinging her legs over the side of the bed. Her head exploded with pain again. "Just let me throw some cold water on my face."

Ariana would have killed for a shower. In all her life she had never been seen in public without one. But she had a feeling Briana wouldn't stand for waiting. So this would be a first--a disgusting first--at Briana Leigh's hands. It made Ariana hate her that much more.

"I left a tennis outfit and racket on the dressing table."

Ariana looked over. Bright blue and red stripes. Totally garish, of course.

"Come on! This'll be good for you!" Briana Leigh cooed as Ariana slowly rose from the bed. This time she picked up her own tennis racket and used it to smack Ariana's ass. Ariana was not enjoying this new habit. "It's always good to get a healthy glow going before a big date."

Ariana paused on her way around the bed. She must have misheard.

"A big date?" she repeated.

"You, me, Hudson, Teo," Briana Leigh confirmed. "We're all going out tonight."


Ariana's heart both fluttered and dropped at the same time. An odd, contradictory sensation. She touched her face self-consciously, then crossed her arms over her chest, shoving her hands under her arms. There was no way she could see Hudson again, as much as she was suddenly longing to. Ariana knew herself well. If she saw him, she was going to let him in, and she could not let that happen. There was too much at stake.

"I don't remember being asked out on a date," Ariana said, trying for a light tone.

"You weren't," Briana Leigh replied, twirling the racket in her palm. "Hudson apparently couldn't stop talking about you, so Teo and I arranged the whole thing."

Ariana took a deep breath. She had to play this one carefully. She couldn't give a flat-out no. There had to be a good reason.

"Briana Leigh, the thing is... I'm not really interested in Hudson," Ariana said slowly, stepping forward. "He's not my type."

Briana Leigh's blue eyes flashed. "So?"

"So... I'd prefer not to go out on a date with someone I'm not interested in," Ariana said. "Why don't you and Teo just go?"

"Because he's Teo's friend and Teo wants us all to hang out," Briana Leigh said. Suddenly she seemed angry. Menacing. "And you're my friend, so you're going to do this for me."

It wasn't a question. Ariana's collarbone grew hot and she knew that her face was about to flush with irritation. She took a deep breath and beat it back.

"But I--"


"God, Emma! It's just one night!" Briana Leigh snapped, bringing the side of her racket down on the edge of the desk. The slam made Ariana flinch. This girl was crazy. "I am giving you a place to live."

A sizzle of fear raced down Ariana's spine. It was amazing how quickly and violently Briana Leigh's temper flared. Was that what had happened that day with her father? Had she been acting all carefree and happy one second, then blown his head off the next?

Ariana swallowed hard. She kept forgetting that she was living under the same roof with a psychotic murderer. From now on, she would have to be more careful. Briana Leigh had hit the proverbial nail right on its proverbial head. Briana Leigh was the one in control--not Ariana. Ariana hated to admit it, but it was true.

"Fine." Ariana managed a quick smile. "You're right. It could be fun."

"Good. Now get your ass in gear," Briana Leigh said with a grin, peppy once again. "Let's see how good the tennis instructors in Chi-town are!"

Ariana didn't know about Chi-town, but the instructors in Atlanta were pretty damn good. Still, should she let Briana Leigh win? Probably. As much as it pained her to consider it, taking a dive was the safer plan.

It would be a shame to die over something as silly as a tennis match.

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