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It was, without question, the most romantic sight Ariana had ever seen. Could this day possibly get any better? She quickly checked her hair in the mirror and smoothed a few errant auburn strands. For a brief moment she considered covering up her white satin negligee with her robe, but then felt a thrill of naughtiness and decided against it. Hudson had gone to all this trouble, and besides, she was feeling carefree tonight. Why not let loose a bit?

Hardly daring to believe what she was about to do, she slid the door open and stepped, half-dressed, into the warm night air. Hudson's bow paused for only a moment over the strings, but Ariana could tell he was intrigued.

"What are you doing?" Ariana whispered. "Are you insane?"

"Just seemed like a good night for a concert," Hudson replied, still playing.

Ariana leaned into the railing around her veranda. The skinny strap on her right shoulder slid down over her arm. "And what do you expect in return for this concert?" she asked, feeling devilish.

Hudson stopped playing. "No expectations."

"Maybe you should come up," Ariana said, her heart pounding.


"No. You should definitely come up," Ariana replied.

Hudson quickly placed his violin in its case. "I'll be right back," he whispered.


Then he turned and ran off around the north side of the house. For a second Ariana was confused, but then Hudson returned, toting a ladder under his arm.

> "I noticed this when I was sneaking around the house," he said, placing the top of the ladder against the side of the balcony.

"So why didn't you just bring it with you?" Ariana asked.

Hudson looked up at her. He was already halfway up the ladder. "Didn't want to be presumptuous," he said with a grin.

Ariana stepped back as he hoisted himself over the railing. She held her breath while his eyes trailed over her body, and wondered how see-through the nightgown might be in the moonlight. Her heart gave a thrill as she realized she didn't care. Let him see everything. She was letting go.

"You're gorgeous," he said.

Ariana grabbed his shirt, pulled him to her, and kissed him. He tripped forward as she backed into her room, pulling him with her. Before either of them could come up for air, her fingers were on the buttons of his shirt, shakily but purposefully working them open. As she pushed the shirt off his shoulders and ran her fingers down his chest, she let out a little gasp. His body was even more perfect than she had imagined.

Hudson pulled back, his eyes heavy.

"What? What is it?" Ariana asked, worried he was changing his mind.

"Nothing. I just wanted to look at you," he said.

Ariana smiled and sat back on her bed, inviting him to look all


he wanted. Hudson slowly, deliciously approached and slid onto the covers next to her. He touched her face with his fingers before leaning down to kiss her again. Taking his time, he let his fingers travel down her neck and tickle her collarbone. Then he softly, cautiously, pushed the left strap of her nightgown down her shoulder. Ariana smiled beneath his kisses. She liked that he moved slowly. She wanted to savor every second of this.

Then he moved on top of her. Ariana froze.

Thomas's face flashed through her mind, so vivid he could have been right there with her. Thomas's weight over her. His crooked smile as he swooped in for a kiss. And then his blood.

His blood... his blood... his blood... everywhere.

Ariana sat up, shoved Hudson off her, and gasped for air.

"What? What did I do?" Hudson asked.

Ariana got up off the bed and straightened her nightgown. Just putting this distance between herself and Hudson cleared her mind. She looked at Hudson, at his concerned eyes, his gorgeous body, his perfect hands, and as much as she wanted to be with him, she knew there was just no way.

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