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Beautiful Disaster (Privilege 2)

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mps at the entrances to the class buildings and dorms illuminated the APH crest, which was etched above each door, along with each building's date of construction. Ariana could hear the Potomac River burbling along as she strolled the outer paths of the school, and she sighed contentedly. Even though Atherton-Pryce had fewer students than Easton Academy, the campus was twice the size. The facilities were state-of-the-art, the setting gorgeous and bucolic and serene. She looked up at the dual towers of Privilege House and imagined herself gazing out one of the huge plate glass windows, watching the sun rise over the river. Imagined how perfectly happy she would be there. Then she thought of her former78

friends, who had long since finished their days at Easton, and felt a sense of satisfaction.

This place was a vast improvement over Easton Academy. Who cared if she was a few years behind where she should have been? Her experiences here were going to be unparalleled. She could feel it. Easton Academy and everyone associated with it could kiss her ass.

With a private grin at her crassness, Ariana walked back toward the center of campus. She heard laughter and conversation coming from the direction of the boys' dorms--guys saying their good-byes to their parents, seeing them to their cars--and turned her steps in that direction. Hanging back near the corner of one of the brick buildings, she watched as Adam shook hands with his father and hugged his mother before the woefully underdressed couple walked over to their blue Ford Taurus. Surrounded by the other families in their expensive suits and dresses, loitering around their Mercedes and Audis and Cadillacs, Adam's family looked completely out of place. Ariana could only imagine that they were relieved to be going. Relieved at the thought of returning to their own world.

Ariana scanned the area for Palmer, and saw him lifting a hand in a wave as his parents pulled away in their black Lexus. Her heart skipped a beat in anticipation. He hadn't seen her yet, but he was about to turn to head back to the dorm. Any second now, he would spy her standing there. Watching. What would his reaction be?

He turned. Saw her. Smiled.

Pure elation.


Ariana struggled to compose herself as he strolled over to her, his hands in the pockets of his blue suit trousers.

"You sure know how to work a room," he said, stepping closer to her than was absolutely necessary. "And my parents specifically."

Ariana glowed with pleasure. Apparently they hadn't lingered on her uncomfortable exit after she was gone. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"Walk you back to your dorm?" he offered.


They walked together, side by side, straight across campus. Palmer was silent, but Ariana didn't mind, because she could feel him looking at her. Studying her. Admiring her. When she hazarded a glance in his direction, he was smiling down at her with an almost giddy expression. Like he wanted something. Like he knew he was about to get something. As long as she was willing to give it.

The tingling of her skin intensified the closer they got to Cornwall. Ariana could actually feel the attraction between her and Palmer. So thick it was almost tangible. She couldn't help feeling that she had been sent here somehow. That she had been meant to meet him. That all the awful, ridiculous, heartbreaking moments of her life had led her to this place at this time for this reason. She and Palmer were soul mates. So what if she had only known him for a day? A girl knew these things. She just knew.

"Here we are," Palmer said as they arrived at the imposing front door of the dorm.

The arched alcove just outside the entry provided a bit of shelter,


a bit of privacy, shielding them from the parking lot and arced driveway in front of the dorm. A few small klatches of people were still saying good-bye at the curb, but they were far enough off that Ariana couldn't make out specific voices.

"Yes. Here we are," Ariana said.

She leaned back against the cool brick wall and looked up at him through her lashes. Palmer smiled and placed his hands in the pockets of his trousers.

"So, what made you come over to meet my parents tonight?" he asked. "Got a yen for aging ballplayers?"

"Not exactly," Ariana said coyly.

She had never been one to make the first move, except on the odd occasion when she lost control of herself. But that was before. Here at APH, she hoped to keep her emotions from consuming her the way she had in the past. The results of that behavior had often been messy.

"Then what was it, exactly?" Palmer's grin widened and he took a step toward her. Ariana was light-headed with glee. He was going to kiss her. She was sure of it. Here it was, her first day at APH, and already she had landed the most eligible bachelor on campus.

President of the student body.

"You're a smart guy. You can figure it out."

Just then, a car door slammed and a girl's voice called out, thanking the driver. Palmer leaned back to see out the entryway of the alcove. Ariana wanted to grab him and pull

him into her, but no. Control. She had to be in control. Then the yawning chasm between


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