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Beautiful Disaster (Privilege 2)

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Ariana smiled back. She had a feeling that Soomie would have said something a lot less friendly and supportive if they'd had this conversation an hour ago. Now she knew she had Brigit, Soomie, and Lexa's good opinion. All she had to do was work on Maria. Which she resolved to focus on from here on out. Her social standing was just as important as her academic placement.

"We'll see," Ariana said.

"Can we bounce? I'm so over this conversation," Maria said,


curling a lock of hair around her finger and tilting her head. "And I need an espresso, like, yesterday."

"That'll make three this morning," Soomie said.

"And no food to speak of," Lexa put in.

"God! Fine! I'll have a scone. Let's just go," Maria said. She turned and stormed out of the store, shoving her sunglasses on as she walked outside.

"Ballerinas," Lexa said under her breath. "Can't live with 'em ..."

"Can't feed 'em," Brigit joked.

Ariana gave them a slight smile as she followed Brigit to the cash register, watching Maria through the glass doors. She was starting to understand a little better why Maria always

seemed so tense and mood-shifty. Not eating and downing espressos could do that to a girl. "Were you going to buy that sweater, miss?" the salesclerk asked, eyeing Ariana suspiciously.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Ariana said, her face flushed as she snapped back to the present and realized she was going to have to expose her arm. How was she going to explain away the fresh cuts on her skin? "I forgot I was wearing it," she stalled.

"It looks really nice on you," Brigit said. "Here."

She reached up and yanked the tag off at the back of Ariana's neck, then handed it to the cashier. "Add it to mine."

Ariana's blush deepened. "Brigit, no. You don't have to do that."

"You just kept me from making a huge fashion faux pas," Brigit said. "Consider it your personal shopper's fee."

Ariana smiled. "Thanks."


"Anytime. I'm so glad you're here, Ana. It was getting a little boring, just the four of us."

It took all of Ariana's inner will to control her giddiness. She had already made herself indispensable. This was where she belonged. This was her future. Kaitlynn was in her past. Now she just needed to figure out how to keep her there.



The late-summer sun beat down on Ariana's back, searing the skin on her neck. She shifted uncomfortably in the heat, cursing herself for scratching her arm so badly yesterday at the diner. Everyone else on the quad was wearing tanks and tees, keeping as cool as possible. But not Ariana. No. She had been forced to wear a long-sleeved boatneck tee in order to cover up the ugly wounds. Not only did she feel ridiculous and overdressed, but she was basically melting in the sun."Why don't they hold the debate in the auditorium?" Ariana asked Lexa as they took their seats in the front row of folding chairs, facing the fountain. Two podiums were set up in front of the burbling fountain. Gold would be debating blue first, and the winner of that debate would be facing gray. Each team had to prepare both pro and con arguments, and the side they would argue would be determined by luck of the draw.

"I guess they like to have as many outdoor events as possible before


the weather turns on us," Lexa replied. Lexa was, of course, wearing a perfectly

weather-appropriate sundress in a stunning shade of blue. It made her eyes look like round sapphires.

"Hi, Ana. Hi, Lexa." Quinn, the sophomore on coffee duty, appeared at the end of their aisle. She and her friend were toting trays of iced coffees, and Quinn handed one to Lexa. "How was Italy?"

"Fantdstico" Lexa said with a bright smile. "Did you guys have fun in Ireland?"

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