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Ambition (Private 7)

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lice brought in for questioning. Don't even try to deny it," she said. "So what the hell was that all about?" "It was nothing," I lied. My

back was to her and I started to empty my bag just to give myself something to do. Give me an excuse not to look her in the eye. "It

was just... they never interviewed me after Cheyenne was found. I left campus with Josh and they questioned everyone else in the

dorm, but they never questioned me. They just wanted to make sure they had everyone's accounts of what happened. You know, for

the file." "And that was it," Noelle said, sounding unconvinced. "They didn't say anything about Cheyenne being murdered. Didn't ask

if you had anything to do with it."

Her doubtful tone caused something to snap inside of me, and I turned around. "How could you think--" "Allow me to quote from

an e-mail you sent to a certain someone we both know," she replied, as still as stone. "'Cheyenne has lost it. We need to find a way to

get rid of her. I need your help.' Now what was that all about? "

Holy. Holy. Crap. Had Noelle just quoted to me from one of my e-mails to Dash? That was it. I could no longer stand. I fell back

onto the edge of my bed and put my head between my knees, fighting for breath. The past few months flashed before my eyes. E-

mails with Dash. Phone calls. His desperation that night at the Driscoll dinner. The longing in his brown eyes as he pulled me to him

at the Legacy. Was it all lies? One big game? Had he told Noelle everything? Had he been betraying me at every turn? "How did

you... ?" I lifted my head. Noelle's expression was a mask of disgust. I closed my eyes for a moment, letting an extreme head rush

pass. "You know about... you know I e-mailed Dash?" Suddenly I no longer cared about Noelle's power-tripping. All I cared about

was making it up to her. Explaining it to her. Keeping her from hating me.

Noelle scoffed, looking up at the ceiling like she just couldn't figure out what to do with me. "Reed, try to remember who you're

talking to. I read every last one of your pathetic e-mails and every one of his," Noelle replied. "Dash and I have no secrets. Even when

we're broken up, I know his every move. This isn't just some high school crush. Dash and I are meant to be together. One little

breakup is not going

to derail that. And you"--she paused to laugh derisively--"you, Glass-Licker, are certainly not going to derail

that." "So... what? He showed them to you?" I said, finding some indignation toward Dash in the midst of all my mind-bending panic.

Did she know about the Legacy? Did she know?

"Please. No. I've known his password since freshman year. He never changes it," she replied. "So while we were apart, I kept an

eye on him. Had to make sure my man was staying out of trouble." Wow. I knew the girl liked to have her control, but wasn't spying

on her ex-boyfriend's e-mails going a little far over the line into complete paranoia? Although, in this case she'd had every reason to be

paranoid. "So, yes. I know all about your little flirtation," she told me with a superior glint in her eye. "You should know by now,

Reed, that you can't keep secrets from me." "Noelle, it didn't mean anything," I told her quickly, standing. "It was just stupid and--"

Noelle laughed merrily. "Please. I'm not worried about you and Dash flirting on your computers like some pathetic fourth-graders.

Could you be any lamer?" My face burned as if I'd just been slapped. "He just missed me and you were a distraction. I know neither of

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