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Ambition (Private 7)

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Josh didn't do anything. He wouldn't. He--"

"Reed, it's okay. You don't know what they're doing in there. I'm sorry I said anything," Marc told me, turning around and strad-

dling the bench so he could face me fully. "Don't jump to conclusions, okay? I'm sure it's fine." I had told Hauer to question Ivy. Ivy,

not Josh. Had he just completely ignored everything I said? "Reed, if you want to do this interview some other time, I completely un-

derstand," Marc was saying. Off to my left, I heard a familiar laugh. Gage's laugh. I glanced over at him, hanging with some of his

Ketlar boys. Gage, of course. Gage had dated Ivy last year, had been fooling around with her as recently as two weeks ago. If there

was anyone on this campus who knew about Ivy, it was him. "I'm really sorry, Marc. I have to go," I said, standing and gathering up

my book bag and coffee cup. "Rain check?"

"Sure," he said, standing as well. "Do you want me to walk you back to your--" But I didn't let him finish. I was already halfway to

Gage. When I reached him, I grabbed the arm of his trendy wool sweater and dragged him away from his friends. "Backwater Bren-

nan! What's with the stealth attack?" he asked, yanking his arm away. At first he looked annoyed, but then his eyes lit with conceited

understanding. "Oh, am I your next conquest?" he asked, rubbing his hands together as he looked me up and down. "Sweet." "Ew.

No." I swallowed back the bile that was oozing its way up my throat and yanked him down next to me on an empty bench. Gage was,

of course, unfazed by my response. "I have a question about Ivy," I told him. "You mean Ice - Cold Bitch? " he said, clenching his

jaw as he looked away. Apparently, someone was holding a grudge against his former paramour. Interesting. I hadn't been aware that

Gage was capable of feelings. Maybe he'd recently seen the Wizard about a heart. "What about her?"

"What happened to her last year?" I asked. "Why didn't she come back to Easton for her junior year? " "You know, jealousy

doesn't become you, Reed," Gage told me, his blue eyes sparkling. "You want to get back at Hollis, don't go sniffing around about his

new lady friend. You have to make him jealous. And I can help with that," he said suggestively, eyeing my legs. God. What was with

the guys around here? "Did you not catch the 'ew, no'?" I asked him, snapping my knees together. "Now spill."

Gage rolled his eyes and sighed. "Fine. Whatever. I'd only be the best you ever had, but your loss. Ivy's grandmother got sick to-

ward the end of our sophomore year, and she and Ivy were, like, really close, so Ivy decided to go to some school in Boston to be

close to her. Then this summer the old lady croaked and voila. The prodigal bitch returns to Easton to wreak havoc on all our lives."

He opened his palms toward the sky with a wry smile. "Happy now?" he asked. Not exactly. This did not add up at all. Ivy as caring


r? Ivy giving up her whole school life to be there for a member of her family? That so didn't track with the girl I knew.

The girl who was always ready with an obnoxious comment. The girl who had tried to keep all of Easton out of the most exclusive

party of the year. The girl who had allegedly broken into said grandmother's house intending to steal something. The girl who had

dropped a guy who clearly liked her and gone after my guy before I'd had even a day to mourn our relationship. "One more question,"

I said, unable to stop myself. "Make it quick. I have to take a piss before my club meeting," Gage said. Charming. "Are Ivy and Josh...

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