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Revelation (Private 8)

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down without a fight. Hauer wanted evidence? I'd find him some evidence. This bitch was going


I whipped a pad and pen out of my bag and wrote Ivy's name at the top, then jotted down all the

reasons I was sure she was the bad guy. Her motive (her grandmother's stroke), her behavior

(trying to exclude us from the Legacy), her not-so-subtle remarks (about hating Billings and

Cheyenne). My hands shook the whole time and my writing looked like that of a serial killer--

different from one line to the next--but I kept on going. When I was done, I took a deep breath. If I

showed this to Hauer, would it be enough?

Probably not. Everyone knew Ivy was dating Josh now. He would probably see these as the

psychotic ramblings of a teenage girl who was heartbroken that her boyfriend had moved on.

Which I was, but still.

What could I do to make it look more legit? The answer hit me almost immediately. I needed more

suspects. I needed to make it at least appear like I was being fair. Unbiased. I drew my knees up

and sat back in my chair to think. Part of me felt it would be a waste of time, but in all honesty,

there were a few other potential suspects. Reluctantly, I listed them and their potential motives

beneath Ivy's entry.


First, Trey Prescott. He was an incredible guy, and I seriously doubted he was capable of hurting a

fruit fly, but he had been so angry at Cheyenne at the beginning of the year. Why had they broken

up over the summer? Maybe it was something worth killing over.

Then, of course, I had to consider the other girls in Billings. They always say the people closest to

the victim are the prime suspects. All the classic murder motives--jealousy, passion, anger--are

stronger with people you're close to. Just look at Ariana and Thomas. She had loved him. But when

it came down to it, I couldn't think of many girls with real motives for killing Cheyenne. She had

been a total dictator, but most of the girls in Billings kind of liked that. The only girls with any kind

of motive were the three she had targeted--the three she had wanted to kick out.

Sabine, Constance, and Lorna.

Of course I disregarded Sabine and Constance right away. They were two of my best friends and

were both totally guileless, sweet, and honest. And Lorna was too big of a wuss to murder anyone,

let alone spend weeks stalking me. Unless she had help from Missy, her best friend. Missy was a

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