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Davy Harwood in Transition (The Immortal Prophecy 2)

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"Oh. Don't feel bad. Really."

"But I do." Then she threw her arms around me and hugged me tight. "We will hang out. You. Me. Pippa. All three of us. I want the two of you to become friends. It'll be great."

This was the last thing I wanted, but she was right about one thing. I had been moping. I had no real life. I was pathetic so I plastered on a bright fake smile. "Okay! Let's do it. Us three. We should go drinking."

Emily's smile disappeared. "What? Drinking? Nooo."

"It won't be like the last time. I promise." There was no Kates this time. We'd be fine.

"I was hungover for three days and I don't even remember drinking." Emily shook her head. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Oh come on. It'll be fun."

Emily still didn't look convinced.

"You need a pick-me-up, right?" I clasped her shoulders and smiled again. I even showed my teeth. I blinded her. "Let me give that to you. You need something to help jump-start your life."

"Not really," Emily murmured. "I thought that was you?"

"You. Me. What's the difference? Let's go out, have an adventure, and laugh about it over coffee tomorrow."

"I don't want to be hungover," she mumbled.

I shoved h

er towards the closet. "Pick out a hot outfit. I'll go tell the dog and then we'll head out. It'll be fun. Trust me."


But I was already out the door. By the time I knocked on Pippa's door, I had another fake smile on. "Hiya, neighbor!" I even waved cheerfully.

Pippa stepped back. "Hey."

"Emily and I are going out for a drink. Come with."

"I don't know." She glanced up and down the hallway. "I might stay in."

"You're coming with us. No debate. We'll have a grand time."

Pippa tried to grin, but it faltered. "Are you sure?" Then she drew me into the room and shut the door. "What about, you know, me being a werewolf and whatever you are. I still haven't figured it out. You're not a witch, are you?"

Images of Brown flashed through my brain. "No. I'm not a witch."

"Oh." She visibly relaxed.

"You don't like witches?"

"No. Not at all. They don't like us."

I couldn't imagine why. My smile went up a notch. "So are you coming?"

She bit her lip and twisted her hands together in front of her. "Can you tell me what you are? It's really been bothering me."

I fought against the urge to roll my eyes. "I'm empathic."

"What?" There was confusion first and then understanding dawned. "Oh, I get it. Vampires go crazy about empaths. No wonder you smell like them so much. Or, used to. You don't smell like vampires much lately. Are they leaving you alone?"

A part of me felt like she bought that half-truth too easily, but the other part condemned me to hell again. "Are you ever going to tell Emily about you?"

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