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The Bodyguard

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I held back and let her take point, I’d follow her lead. She started out slow, running her hand up and down my chest. My heart was knocking the shit outta my ribs but still I didn’t make a move.

Only when her hand went down beneath the sheet and found my boy and her lips lifted to mine did I tell myself it was okay.

I took her tongue into my mouth and pushed my cock into her hand. I had me feelers out for anything hinky. “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you touching me? I knew I shouldn’t have told you.” She tried pulling away but I held tight.

“Babe, don’t do that. You feel that.” I pushed my rock hard cock more forcefully against her hand. “That says I want you. The only reason I’m not handling you is because you had a rough day and I’m letting you call the plays.”

“But I don’t want you to. I don’t want anything to change between us. Please, don’t let him take you away from me.” I lifted her chin and rolled until she was under me.

“That will never happen.” I kissed her lips once before making my way down her body, spreading her thighs with my shoulders. I took my time and loved her with my mouth, bringing her off twice before climbing back up her body.

I slipped into her softly and held her eyes with mine. “I love you Tara.” The clouds were finally leaving her eyes as she moved beneath me. Her arms came around me and she repeated the words just before she took my lips. “I love you like crazy.” Kids!

In the morning Drake was long gone as prearranged and there was no sign of him. She called out sick, something I didn’t know she was allowed to do, but they said they could work around her as long as she made it in the next day.

I made her breakfast and we sat out on the lanai with her on my la. That’s pretty much how we spent most of the day. She was clingy and babyish, which was totally understandable.

But when she cried or looked like she was having a meltdown, all it took was me putting her under me to get her back on track.

We were laid up in bed watching some mind numbing shit on the tube when the newsflash came on. I didn’t change anything about my relaxed mood when she turned up the TV to listen.

It was about the asshole being attacked by some unknown assailant in the night. She went white as a sheet when they started listing off his injuries and I took the remote and turned that shit off.

“Did you hear that? Somebody took his eyes and his tongue.” She looked like she was in shock.” “Couldn’t have happened to a nicer asshole is you ask me. Let’s go for a walk on the beach babe, it’s too nice to stay cooped up all day.”

I dragged her out of bed and made her go with me. Each time she brought it up I found a way to change the subject without looking suspicious.

At least I cut that shit off before she heard what I’d done to his balls and one of his hands. Let’s see him direct shit now. Or put his hands on someone else’s daughter.

“I’m not going to tell you-you have to tell your parents. But when I get you home with me I have someone I want you to see about this.” She started to argue, but I knew in this, I was right. It was a miracle she hadn’t broken already, carrying this shit around with her all these years.

“It’s someone I trust, and you need this.” One of my guys was a therapist. His specialty was PTSD, dealing with servicemen and women, but I knew he could help her.

“I’ll think about it.” That’s what she thinks but I wasn’t gonna argue with her.

I kept her away from the TV and electronics for the rest of the day but knew it was only a matter of time before she got the whole scoop. This fucking town broadcasts every damn thing.

“Thanks honey.” We were in bed after another round of lovemaking and she was lying on me, running her hands up and down my chest.

“For what.” I kissed her hair and squeezed her shoulders. She picked her head up and looked at me. “For taking such good care of me. I think I’ll like to see this friend of yours as long as you’re sure this person can be trusted.”

I knew what she was afraid of and assured her that it wasn’t a problem. “Do you want to talk about it?” is sure the fuck don’t, the shit would only make me want to go to the hospital and finish the job, but she might need it.

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