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When Worlds Collide

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She reached for a chair and sat down heavily. She looked worn, tired. Nothing at all like the regal being I am accustomed to. It was finally getting through to her that her reign here was over. I had no doubt those phone calls I’d made the night before had something to do with it.

“But why her?” The fight was gone from her voice but she still had to give it one last try. I didn’t expect any less from her.

“It’s simple, I trust her, more than I’ve ever trusted anyone in my life.” It was true. I would trust her with my very life and that’s not an easy thing for a man like me. Love is easy, but trust, trust is something I never thought I could give.

I felt just a little sadness leave me at the look of defeat on her face. I wanted to go to her and tell her that it was going to be okay, but I knew any show of softness now would only give her the wrong idea.

“I love you mother, and I wish that you’d stop this way of thinking, but if you don’t the choice is yours. I’ve made mine.” I know there was some good in her somewhere. My childhood hadn’t been all-bad. We’d spent some pleasant moments together in the past.

But she was so blinded by all that other crap that she couldn’t see what she was costing herself. My children will have loving grandparents in Linda and Thomas, so if she never came around they wouldn’t be missing out on much. But I would love for her to be part of our lives.

“Well my son, I hope you know what you’re doing. I’ve only ever tried to do what’s best for you and the family.” I’m sure she believed that.

“I’ll come by and see you in a couple days.” I walked her to the door and watched her leave, hating myself for feeling the weight lift even more.

I soon put her out of my mind and got down to the business of the day. You’d think with all this shit that I did nothing more with my days than try to make peace between the women in my life, but I had a corporation to run.

I got so caught up playing catch up, that I lost track of time. I only picked my head up when I heard her voice outside my office door. My cock came awake right away and there was a smile forming on my face even before she opened the door and walked in.

“You forgot me.” She gave me a mock pout as she made her way around the desk and plopped her ass down on my lap.

“I’m sorry baby I lost track of time. I’ve spent the last few days dealing with a little hellion who took me away from my work.” I kissed her nose to let her know that I was teasing just in case she mistook me again.

“Likely story, slacker. Now kiss me, I have homework.” I did as she asked and was pleasantly surprised when she got out her books and moved around to the other side of the desk to do her work.

I went back to what I’d been doing before she came in and it felt as natural as breathing to have her there across from me, both of us lost in what we were doing. Every once in a while I’d pick my head up to find her watching me with a dreamy look on her face. No need to guess what she was thinking.

That night after dinner I took her out for a drive. Her parents hadn’t joined us at the dinner table, claiming that we needed time alone with each other. It was a good thing too, because we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. The drive was more to cool me down than anything else.

“So, have you any idea where you want to have the wedding? I made a list of all the reputable places for you to choose from, but if there’s some place else you have in mind…”

“It should be in the great hall with all your ancestors. And we’ll open the doors into the gardens and have the reception there.” I smiled at her as we came to a stop sign.

“I see you’ve given this a lot of thought.” I brought her ring finger to my lips, very pleased with her at that moment. It was a great idea, why hadn’t I thought of it myself, knowing how much she likes it there?

“I thought of nothing else all day. See, I knew I should’ve stayed home. I didn’t get anything done. All I did all day was stare at my ring and plan the wedding. Can’t I stay home tomorrow? There’s only one week left of school, I’ve taken all my tests already.” Out came the pout, soon to be followed by the whine I had no doubt.

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