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When Worlds Collide

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When I came to my senses, I had a tight grip on her, my arms wrapped completely around her as she clutched at me and moaned out the last of yet another orgasm.

We stayed there until our bodies cooled and our breathing calmed back to normal. I’d waited all this time only to give my wife a quickie on her wedding night. For shame. I took comfort in the fact that I will have many more nights to have her at my leisure.

“You okay?” I didn’t have the strength to pick my head up and look, but felt her answering nod against my shoulder. My cock didn’t seem to want to go down, but I’d made a promise to her. I had to get her back downstairs. She hissed when I slipped out of her and her body flinched.

I looked down at the damage and felt a rush of tenderness when I saw the evidence of her innocence on the sheet beneath her. My cock was covered in her blood and her thighs were also smeared. It looked like a bloodbath and was she not still breathing I’d have sworn I’d killed her. “My virgin princess.”

I kissed her softly with all the tender love a man can show his woman. “I love you more today, than I did yesterday. And I shall love you even more tomorrow, sweet Lucia. My wife. Don’t do that, I don’t know how to fix your makeup.” I’d already made a mess of it.

“We have to get back.” She moved to follow me from the bed but I stopped her.

“Stay there, don’t move.” I didn’t want to get her stockings dirty so I left the bed and headed for the bathroom for a wet washcloth.

I took the time to clean myself up before going back to her.

Taking my time and being as gentle as I could, I cleaned the blood from between her thighs before lifting her to her feet. “Oh shit, your dress.” What the fuck had I done?

“Not to worry, I’m supposed to change anyway.” She left the room and ran down the hallway half naked with me hot on her heels as I tried to get back into my clothes. She flung open the closet in our old room and removed a blue dress.

It took less time to get her back into this dress than it had getting her out of the other thank fuck. Once we were both decent, I took her hand and led her back downstairs where the party was still going strong under the direction of her mother and the wedding planner.

For the rest of the night I didn’t leave her side, but kept her hand in mine as we moved around, interacting with our guests. She laughed and joked, much lighter of spirit now than she had been throughout the ceremony.

It was only at the end of the night that I noticed the huge bruise on her neck where I’d marked her. No wonder people had been staring at us funny all evening. No matter it gave me great pleasure to see my mark there, claiming her in no uncertain terms.

“Are you sore, baby?” I noticed that she was walking a little bowlegged once we got back upstairs and undressed. I wonder if that too had been noticeable.

“A little, it stings. What did you do to me?”

Her eyes widened when she got a look at the sheets which she’d somehow missed before. I wrapped my arms around her just in case, but she didn’t freak. “I’ll go run us a bath.” She plopped down on the side of the bed still looking at the evidence of her deflowering.

I ran a bath and went back for her. While she was in the tub soaking I changed the sheets. I had all plans on saving them, don’t ask me why. I folded them neatly and placed them in an old cedar chest I’d found in the attic when the decorators were redoing the rooms.

Once the bed was remade with marine precision I went to join her in the tub. It was a good thing too, because she was asleep with her head leaned back on the headrest and her hands laying limply at her sides in the water.

She didn’t stir when I stepped in, or when I drained the water out to add fresh since it had gone tepid. I sat across from her watching her sleep as the water and bubbles flowed around us. My tired baby was done for.

I could relax for what felt like the first time in a year. She was finally mine and I’d taken all the necessary steps to make sure she remained safe. She turned in the water and I reached out to grab her before she drowned herself.

“Careful, love.” I pulled her around until her back was pressed against my chest and my arms went around her protectively. “Nice nap?” I turned her head with my finger and covered her lips before she could answer.

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