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Do You Want Me Part One (This Love Hurts 0.5)

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I’ve never wanted anything or anyone like I want her and the sick part of me knows it’s because Cody pursued her. It’s a jealousy I haven’t been able to kick.

Still, I wanted her first. There’s no way he doesn’t know.

He knew I cared for her and he stayed close to her.

He knew I was watching and he fucked her.

He knew what it would do to me. Cody Walsh knows me far too well to be unaware.

Even worse, he ignored my latest letter.

Do you ever regret it? Letting that evidence slip through your fingers so you could ensure I executed a different plan of yours?

There was an unspoken deal, a bit of camaraderie between us. I’m not the one who changed things. What happens next is his fault, his doing. Not mine.

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