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This Love Hurts (This Love Hurts 1)

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“You’re sure you never saw him? He came close to you into this kitchen and you never saw him?”

It takes me a moment to realize he’s questioning if I really saw what I saw. Is that what he’s doing?

Spitefulness lingers in my tone. “He was standing right there,” I practically yell, pointing to the corner. I’m quick to point out the evidence. The physical proof he was here. “He left this,” I say and snatch the flash drive off the counter then shove it into Cody’s chest. “He has the name of the man who left the threat in my office. He said he wants to help me.”

My throat is raw from the indignation of my statements. The evidence lining up. “He was here, Cody! He came into your house and he could have hurt me, but he didn’t.” I keep from screaming only by forcing the words through clenched teeth. The tremors return, the anxiousness from knowing everything that could have happened.

When I look back up at Cody, resting my elbows on the counter in an attempt to steady myself, regret lays in his expression. It takes a moment before Cody’s brow morphs into a straight line, leaving a deep crease in the center of his forehead. The anger that brews there for the man named Marcus only makes Agent Walsh look more protective.

“He came in here and left this for you? And that’s all he did?” he questions again. And again I lie.

I nod yes, although it’s a short-lived motion. “Yes, and then he left and you came. You came in right after. He just left. He was just here.” My sentences tumble out at once and again I cross my arms in front of me protectively. Glancing from the corner where Marcus was and then back up to Cody.

“Are you okay?” he asks yet again and I watch the cords around his throat tighten as he swallows. I respond weakly, “Yes.” I am okay. It’s difficult for me to grasp. The grim reaper himself kissed me. The man who everyone fears wanted to kiss me.

“He didn’t hurt you or threaten you?”

“No, he didn’t. It was the opposite. He said he would help me. He promised to protect me. How did he get in here, Cody?” I ask the more pertinent question.

“I don’t know.” His answer is cold. “We need to get out of here and do a sweep.”

“No, no, don’t tell anyone.” I’m quick to cut him off and then reach for his forearm when his shock and hesitancy are evident. “He has proof; he wants to work with… with us.” I include Cody, praying he’ll listen while a tingling sensation spreads through me that feels an awful lot like desperation. If Marcus knows who’s after me… I would rather work with one devil, than die by the hand of another.

“Hire new guys and have them do a sweep for precaution. Hopefully figure out how the hell he got in. But don’t tell them.” I peer into his questioning gaze as I plead with him. “Please. I want to catch this guy as much as you, but if he knows who’s after me…” I let my plea hang in the air, most of it unsaid as my heart bows in agony in my chest. What am I doing? What am I even asking?

“You need—”

With my hand on his, I leave only an inch between us, praying that he’ll listen to me. “I know what I need. I know the look on your face. The look that you know better and that I’m not all right.” I tilt my head up to meet his gaze and prove I’m all right, keeping my spine stiff and my shoulders squared.

“You want to make a deal with him? A deal with a murderer?” Cody doesn’t hide the slight disgust, which adds another layer to my shame, but there’s also a hint of hope. Because he didn’t say no.

“There was no deal…” I whisper the lie, finding it hard to keep eye contact with the man in front of me. A man who came back here to help me. A man I lie in bed with. A man who right now, looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind.

After a moment of quiet, he questions, “Are you sure about this?”

I don’t hesitate to answer yes. Swallowing thickly, I remember all of Brass’s case. I remember it all and vengeance spurs inside of me. “If we could get Brass—”

Cody cuts me off, changing the dialogue between us as he says, “If we could get Marcus, it would be the end to three open cases and a string of murders.”

“I know. I know.”

“You’re shaken up right now.” Cody’s strong hand lands on my shoulder, pulling me in closer and I pull away just slightly, hating that he’s placating me.

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