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The Bet (The Bet 1)

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“Wow, that was so incredibly helpful. I feel like such a man.” His scratching continued until finally he yelped and pulled off his shirt.

Kacey covered her mouth with her hands to keep from laughing out loud. His entire upper body was turning puffy. Poor guy. “Let’s go get you some drugs.”

He rolled his eyes and held out his hand to pull her to her feet. “So much for being romantic.”

“Who says Benadryl isn’t romantic?” Kacey asked once they were walking back to the house.

“Who says it is?” Travis countered.

“Watch, you’ll see.”

“Not sure I want to see, but alright.”


The itching was getting worse. Travis was about ready to play the part of a small child and rub himself in calamine lotion. Anything to get rid of the itching and red welts.

He’d never felt more unattractive.

Kacey made him take a quick shower, which at first he was more than excited about, but then he discovered she meant alone.

Well, as alone as a person could be when one’s skin decides to become a puffy monster. It was as if he was turning into two very swollen people.

When he was finished, he sat dejectedly on the downstairs couch and waited. Kacey came rushing in with some sort of concoction, no doubt meant to torture men.

“What is that smell?” He pulled away, but she slapped him across the shoulder.

“Sit still.”

Kacey gave him a glass of water with a pink pill, then began meticulously rubbing the gross-smelling paste onto his body.

“You’re trying to get even with me, aren’t you?” The foul-smelling paste began to burn on his arms. Good God, she would be the death of him.

“It will make everything numb,” she explained, massaging it into his arms, which felt quite nice until the word numb began to penetrate his senses.

“No!” Travis pushed at Kacey. “I don’t want to be numb! If I’m numb it means I can’t…”

Kacey arched her eyebrow. “Can’t?”

Crap, he wasn’t getting out of this one. “Um, feel. I can’t feel… things.”

“What’s so important that you need to feel?”

He slapped her hand away and reached in, running his hand behind her neck. “If you have to ask, then you don’t deserve to know.”

Kacey laughed and kissed his nose.

Like a mother would do to a small child.

Forget the numbing cream. Now he was losing his masculinity.

“Chin up.” Kacey ran her tongue along his lower lip and sighed into his mouth. “It’s not like I’m rubbing any of this stuff on your man parts.”

“Man parts?” he sputtered.

She nodded and laughed. “Now, sit still while I give you a rub down.”

That was more like it.

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