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Her Heart's Desire

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“And what is between us, Tiffany?”

“Sometimes, I think, way too much space.”

In a split second, Tiffany was in his arms in an embrace that left little to the imagination. His lips swept over hers possessively, as did his hands. Just when she was getting caught up in the moment, he released her.

Tiffany staggered backward. Ivan reached out and steadied her. “Let’s get out of here. I want you all to myself.”

She nodded. He kissed her a final time before releasing her. Ivan strode out of the kitchen, leaving Tiffany holding onto the sink for dear life. When she could stand, she ran a shaky hand through her spiked hair. “Heaven help me.”

Chapter 9

Tiffany didn’t know how she managed it, but she had stayed at the Andersons’ all of five minutes after she came out of the kitchen. No one questioned her leaving. Not even Norma Jean. She roamed around her house, at a loss for something to do. Ivan had already texted that he was on his way. She went to the kitchen and got a bottle of wine and two wineglasses. Next she put together a small plate of cheese, crackers and grapes. She had just placed it on the coffee table when her doorbell rang.

Seeing Ivan never failed to bring a smile to her face.


“Hi, yourself,” he replied before kissing her.

“You didn’t stay long,” she commented as she stepped aside so he could enter.


They sat on her couch. Tiffany poured a glass of wine for each of them and handed one to Ivan. He held his glass up.

“To evasive maneuvers.”

She laughed and clinked his glass. “Are you sure Norma Jean didn’t suspect anything? She misses nothing.”

“I’m very good at covering my tracks. Trust me, the Love Broker doesn’t suspect a thing,” Ivan promised.


Later that night, Ivan was lying in bed with his laptop when he got a call from his brother.

“What’s up, Cole?”

“Hey, I’m downtown at the Funky Buddha Lounge with a few friends. Why don’t you join me?”

Ivan was not big on crowds. “It’s Sunday night.”


“Don’t you have work tomorrow?”

“Yes, but unlike you, I can go out on a school night and still get my work done. Come on, Ivan. You haven’t gone out on the town in decades. Swipe one of Dad’s energy drink

s from the fridge and get down here.”

He had to laugh at that. “No can do. I’m going out to dinner tomorrow, and I’m trying to pick a restaurant.”

“Oh, make sure you tell GiGi I said hi.”

“It’s not with our grandmother,” Ivan said drily.

“Come again?”

“I’m going out with Tiffany.”

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