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“It’s all connected.”

“I really wish it wasn’t.” I rubbed my head. “But go ahead and explain, please.”

“Natural Health cigarettes teamed up with purse designer, Siguoni. She does high brand pocket books. Most cost over five thousand dollars. Siguoni and Natural Health united to do a new addition to their line this winter. Can you guess what it will deal with?”


“Yes. Siguoni designed a little gold-plated holder on the inside that keeps your iPhone safe and your pack of Natural Health cigarettes even safer.”

“The pocket books will be in the movie and the video?” I asked.

“Yes, along with the smoking.”

“And you have to be there because you’re what to Natural Health?”

“Their spokesperson.”

“Are you kidding me? You don’t even smoke.”

“I know. I’m a fraud. York agreed to the contract. We argued about it for several months. I even fired him for a little bit, but…I’m just going to finish this contract and…try to figure out my next steps in my career.”

“You fired York?”

“I was pissed at this job. He was fired for three months. And then, I felt bad and hired him back. We both needed a break. With these deals and all the money they were offering, I felt like we were going on a path to losing our souls. This is the last deal like this that we’ll do.”

“How much was the Natural Health deal?” I asked.

“Three million.”

“That’s a hard number to say no to.”

“Of course. I’ll also be walking in Siguoni’s show during Paris fashion week.”

“Now I see. It is all connected.”

She leaned back in the seat. “I’m glad you understand.”

“Oh no. You’re still not going to this event, but I’m glad you were able to give me a better view. This stalker could be related to this.”

“Hunter, you’re guarding me, not telling me where and when I go somewhere.”

“I don’t care about cigarettes. I care about your safety.”

“It will be a breach of contract—”

“I’ll talk to them.”

“That might not be enough.”

“Trust me.” I turned to her. “Natural Health cigarettes doesn’t want any part of me.”

“You’re going to strong arm an entire corporation?”

“It’s not hard to do.”

“You can’t be serious.” Frowning, she squeezed my hand, and I wished she would let go. It made me want to touch her. It made me want to fucking pull her into me and never let her escape.

I gritted my teeth.

“I’m happy you’re here.” Her scent surrounded me. “I feel safer because of it.”

My cock started to get hard. I breathed in and out and focused on calming it down.

“But…I have to go to this party tonight. I could go in and out really quick. Just in and out.”

In and out? Real quick? Damn. That’s what I would love right now. In and fucking out and fucking in and fucking out again.

She raised her eyebrows. “Hunter?”


“You licked your lips.”

I moved my hand away from hers. “I’ll think about the party tonight. Let’s get you home and fed.”

“Because I’m a cow that needs to be herded,” she muttered.

“What was that?”

“Nothing.” She placed her hands back on her legs. The jean material hugged her thighs just right. Men had watched her the whole time as I’d guided her to the car. If anything, I was starting to realize she would have a whole lot of suspects.

Who wouldn’t want to stalk Zola?

Silence filled the rest of the car ride. Baptiste would be flying in this evening.

My other friend, Stark would arrive soon after.

Stark had just been released from jail two weeks ago for attempting to hack into the electoral system and change the election results. Currently, he wasn’t a fan of our new president. The FBI had grabbed him before he could truly do any damage. He’d spent a little over a year in jail. I had two good lawyers get him released, although Stark would be on probation for five more years.

Knowing Stark, he’ll disappear after he helps. I can’t see him being good for five years of probation.

Regardless, I was happy that Baptiste and Stark were on their way. Both men I trusted with my life and would be extra support, once I found the stalker. Zola had to be guarded while I handled the psycho, and it had to only be me. No one could trigger fear in her heart. No man could make her rethink her safety in this cruel world.

I’ll take care of this.

We made it to her apartment in no time. The building was decent, but she could’ve been doing better. There was no door man or security, although one had to use a code to get in.

Anybody could figure out the code or hack it. This won’t work.

We walked into an empty lobby stacked with mail boxes. I scanned the space, studying the few people grabbing their mail and turning to her. They all looked Zola’s way without trying to be obvious. The few women appeared star struck. The men looked horny. Zola seemed uncomfortable under their gazes, hurrying to the elevator and punching the button before I could reach out to do it.

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