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“I’m not sure.”

She leaned back in her seat. “What are the types?”

“Don’t worry about that. I can handle—”

“I just want to know. It keeps my mind off what happened to my apartment.” She stared out of the window.

Buildings and streets sped by. The sky darkened above, and the city brightened with lights. People crowded the walkways, pushing and shoving, ready to get home.

And somewhere, this sicko stood in the shadows. He’d probably waited outside the building to see her reaction. Maybe he even had cameras put in her place.

My men will find them, if he did.

I fisted my hand and kept my attention on Zola. “The first type is the rejected stalker. It’s usually an ex-lover trying to reconcile the broken relationship or get revenge for his perceived rejection. For this guy, the stalking allows him to continue the relationship and be close to you.”

“This is sick and disgusting.”

“This is what love does.”

“What?” She blinked. “That’s not love.”

“It’s a consequence of love.”

“It is not.”

“Fine.” I shrugged. “What would I know? I’ve never been in love.”

She stared in shock. “Never?”


“None of your girlfriends?”

“I’ve never had a girlfriend.”

Shock screwed up her face. “But—”

“No, I’m not a virgin.”

“Very funny.”

“Anyway.” I cleared my throat. “The second type is the resentful stalker. He feels like you humiliated him in some way. Even if you were both strangers, he believes you mistreated him. We’re talking a mentally ill person with paranoid beliefs.”

“I can’t think of anything I’ve done to someone. Not even an argument on the train or—”

“There’s no logic to stalking. Even if you think you did something, you never did anything to be stalked.”

“I just wish I could stop this.”

“I will.” I looked out the window and spotted my hotel. “We’re here. We can talk more about stalkers later. Now, you need food and rest.”

“And wine. Lots and lots of wine.”

“I can do that.” I smirked, climbed out, and opened the door for her. My phone buzzed. I checked it. York’s name glowed on the screen.

I answered, “Yeah?”

“Everything good?” York asked.


Worry rode his tone. “What happened?”

I gestured to Zola to go ahead. I’d be watching her the whole time. “This guy wants her. He’s just fucked up her place, jacking off and pissing everywhere.”

Something crashed on York’s side of the line. “What the fuck? Is Zola okay?”

“She’s fine. She’s been with me the whole time.” I clenched the phone hard as she walked into the lobby and stood. “He did it to leave his scent on the place. It’s a sign that he’s lost it.”


“York.” I sighed and turned away, so Zola wouldn’t hear. “Soon, he’s going to want to leave his scent on her.”

“Fuck that!”


York’s voice held range. “Do you need anything from me? Money or—”

“I’m good. Zola just won’t be making all her nightlife events.”

“Damn it. It’s not like she’s a party girl. Every club event is in her contract.”

“She told me. Something about cigarettes.”

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”


“That’s a lot of money she’s saying goodbye to. If she doesn’t go tonight, a stalker will be the least of her worries. They’ll have her in court for the next year.”

I shut my eyes for a few seconds. “We can tell them about the stalker and—”

“I’ve told them. They don’t care. You think she’s the first model with a stalker? It comes with the job.”


“They’ll sue her over it.”

I grumbled. “Fine.”


“She’ll go to the event, if she wants to.”

“Good.” York sighed. “I can have some extra men arrive along with her team—”

“No. I’ve got it under control. Send me a list of all the guests at this event, if you can get it. And send me a list of her ex-lovers.”

York laughed. “You think she would tell me who she’s messing with after you beat up that football player?”

“I hoped so.”

“No way.”

“You don’t know about any past guys?”

“She keeps her love life pretty secret. However, she was messing with Trigger.”

I groaned. “The same rapper who’s releasing this album tonight?”


I frowned. “Am I going to like him?”


“Is he still into Zola?”

“Oh yes. Very much. His entire side B on his album is dedicated to her. And all the songs are depressing.”

I made a mental note to check out the songs before the party. “Okay. I have to get back to Zola. Send me the lists when you can.”

Things were going faster than necessary. The stalker had ruined her place for a reason. Something had triggered it. The ransack was a message.

But what are you trying to say to her? Besides, of course, that’s she’s yours.

One thing I knew for sure was that she could never return to that apartment. I’d already had a suite. I didn’t plan to stay there. It was just going to be my headquarters while here. But now, I’d keep Zola there until I found her a new place. One that was more secure.

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