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Rhapsody (Butcher and Violinist 1)

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I switched to Shalimar’s text.

Shalimar: Do you need me?

Me: Not yet. Everything’s fine. I just have to play at a party tonight. Nothing has happened.

A text wasn’t enough for Shalimar, especially since her commission was involved.

She called me.

I answered on the second ring. She went right into questions about every moment of yesterday. I left out the screaming man. If he was smart, he would have someone listening in on me. I kept the conversation to typical things a woman would say to another.

“How do you feel about that kiss?” she asked.

“I…enjoyed it.”

“Anything else?”

“What else is there to say?”

“You’re ready to sleep with him?”


She sighed. “You said that too fast, like you’re excited about it.”

“Shouldn’t I be?”

“Not when money is involved. Try to stretch out the moment he fucks you and don’t be too eager. He’s paying for an experience, not an eager hoe. Trust me. I was the eager hoe with him, and it didn’t work out.”

Yeah. It’s hard to forget that part.

I let out a long breath. “Okay. Try not to be an eager hoe.”

“Cool, but like I said before, do what you do. You copped the 100k, so you may not need my advice. I’m just here to add and help where I can.”

“Makes sense.”

“What are you wearing tonight?”

“He’s sending over a dress.”

“Interesting. He’s been playing dress up a lot with you.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“I think it’s good. But I love shopping of all sorts. Him shopping for me. Her shopping for me. Me shopping for me.”

I chuckled. “Got it.”

“So, let’s see. What are you wearing under the dress? Maybe you can have fun with that.”

“He sent the lingerie too.”

“He’s being very…control-ly”

“He wasn’t with you?”

“Not at all. We didn’t even leave the brothel. I’m getting a bit offended.”

I quirked my eyebrows.

“Not down to my soul, but I would’ve liked some new dresses.” She laughed. “Either way, we have to focus. If he continues to enjoy you, then you get your money and I get my commission. Go ahead and send a picture of the lingerie.”

I snapped a quick one and sent it.

Several seconds later she whistled. “Le Jour Fall season collection. Very sexy and expensive. This is a first.”

“What’s a first, the outfit?”

“No, my having whore envy is a first. I usually don’t want to live vicariously through another prostitute’s job, but this one sounds like a vacation.”

I parted my lips about to tell her that I wasn’t a prostitute and stopped.

You’re one now. No matter how you sugarcoat it.

Shalimar grabbed my thoughts. “It looks like I don’t need to help for today, unless you can think of anything? Do you need me to buy something? Have you eaten?”

Someone knocked on the door.

“Hold on, Shalimar.” I rose, put on my robe, and took the phone over to the door.

When I opened it, two women stood on the other side with a large cart topped with pancakes, eggs, bacon, and a bowl of fruit. A cup of tea steamed next to a cup of coffee. And a large pitcher of orange juice sat next to a small basket of croissants.

The shortest woman asked, “Are you hungry, Mrs. Eden?”

“Yes, thanks so much.”

They pushed the cart into the room and stopped it at the small table.

I placed the phone back to my ear. “I’m covered on food, and probably everything else.”

“Okay. Good. Jean-Pierre is making my job easy. He’s thought of everything. Most clients don’t.”

The two women placed platters and dishes onto the table.

Another woman strolled in with two vases full of roses.

I could wake up like this every day.

“Eden? Eden?”

“Oh.” I didn’t realize I’d lowered the phone from my ear. “Sorry.”

“You’re good?”

“I’m excellent.”

“Okay. Then, I’ll focus on keeping your aunt busy.”

My stomach twisted. “Yes. Please do that.”

The last thing I wanted to do was betray her trust and disappoint her. Hooking myself to some guy nicknamed Le Boucher would not be a high achievement with her.

Although in all fairness, Aunt Celina would respect the dollar amount of the deal.

“Alright then, Eden. I’m going to bother your aunt. Call me if you need me. And trust me, these days are going to rush by.”

“I think you’re right.”

We hung up.

His staff left and I sat at a table covered in delicious food and roses. Usually I skipped breakfast, and when I cooked, even I didn’t enjoy eating it.

Today, I woke up a princess.

Maybe the days don’t have to rush by too fast.

Chapter 15


Three years ago


The Belladonna symphony was an exciting experience to behold. The magnitude. The whole dynamic of being in a place surrounded by others who enjoy good music too. Belladonna, as a city, was small, yet wealthy. French roots with a love for art, theater, and classical music. With all these things in one place, a symphony would thrive.

And this one did.

We sat in the front row as the symphony played its last song for the evening.

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