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High Octane (Texas Hotzone 2)

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“Of course she is,” Ryan said. “She ran to Texas to find herself an adventure, and she’s decided that’s me. I’m the guy who helps her find herself, so someone else gets the prize.”

“Not a bad thing,” Caleb said. “Unless you want the prize. Then it sucks.”

“Yeah,” Ryan agreed. “Then it sucks.”


STILL AT RYAN’S HOTEL, Sabrina had completed her calls, her arrangements made—but she had one major problem. With no clothes, no makeup, no money and no identification to prove she was who she said she was, she had no choice but to swing by her place. She was nervous about an intruder, but the property manager, a sweet woman in her fifties named Nelda, met Sabrina at the door.

“I can’t believe your purse was stolen,” Nelda exclaimed. “My goodness, honey, you look like you’ve been put through the wringer. Were you mugged?”

Nelda—who Sabrina knew to be one of the top Realtors in the city—was dressed in jeans and Western shirt. Casual, kind and concerned.

“No, no,” she said. “I was silly enough to leave my purse unattended. I know better. Thankfully, a friend let me stay the night, but I am so looking forward to my own clothes.”

“Well, I’m just glad you’re safe,” Nelda said, touching Sabrina’s arm. “And, honey, we all make mistakes. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

The sincerity in the woman amazed Sabrina. The New York version of Nelda would have worn a classic Ann Taylor pantsuit, her idea of casual Saturday, and she would have given Sabrina a scornful eye for Ryan’s T-shirt tied at her waist, yesterday’s well-worn jeans, and her hair puffed up like a poodle.

“I’ll wait out here while you get your things,” Nelda said. “It’s terrifying to think of someone with your ID and address having your keys. Are you sure you don’t want me to change the locks for you? I can get a locksmith in. Of course, it’s very expensive on the weekend. I’d hate for you to incur that cost.”

“I have a friend who said he can handle it for me tonight,” she assured Nelda. Plus it’s a good way to ensure Ryan comes over tonight, she added silently. “I’ll give you the new key on Monday.” Sabrina grabbed the doorknob. “Okay, so if I scream, call the police.”

“Oh, don’t say things like that,” Nelda admonished. “Maybe we should have someone check out the place first.”

“No,” Sabrina said. “It’s fine. I’ll be in and out in a snap.”

Despite her bravado, Sabrina rushed into her apartment, her heart thundering in her chest. She darted down the hall, and quickly searched under her bed and in the closets. The idea of changing here as she’d planned suddenly seemed scary, and she didn’t want Nelda to have to wait. She grabbed a bag and started tossing things inside, including her passport for ID, and her computer. Then she rushed down the hall, said her quick goodbyes to Nelda, and headed to the parking lot. She’d swing by the hotel and change, and then get moving on her errands.

As soon as she arrived back at the hotel, she rushed into the bathroom and stripped down to nothing, eager to change and get to the bank before they closed. She had no credit card, no ATM card, no cash, no way to pay for the new key at the car dealership, and tomorrow was Sunday—no banks would be open. But dang it, she was going to see Ryan in a few hours. She needed to wash her hair and look presentable. She peeked out of the bathroom and eyed the clock. Noon. She still had time.

Ten minutes later, with a tiny towel wrapped around her, she applied makeup and turned on the dryer attached to the wall. The minute it turned off, she heard the cell phone on the last ring of a call. It had to be for Ryan. It was his phone, and he would be the only one who might call her, but he was probably jumping out of a plane right now. Sabrina smoothed her hair, satisfied she was all set. Feeling better, she headed to the main room to get dressed.

She’d just dropped her towel when a knock sounded on the door. “Sabrina, it’s Ryan.”

She reached for the towel, wrapped it around herself. “I thought you were working.”

“A large group cancelled,” he said. “I took a cab. I tried to call. Are you going to let me in?”

Frantically she dug in her bag for clothes, frustrated when she couldn’t get to them. “Ah, Sabrina?” Ryan said. “Any time now.”

She looked down at her towel. Considered her options. He’d turned her down once. Did she dare risk that again? Well. If he did, at least she wouldn’t have any regrets, beyond her own embarrassment. She was done with regrets.

Sabrina walked over to the door and flipped the latch, then popped the handle. She stayed behind the door and let him enter the room. When the door shut behind him, she was exposed.

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