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Breathless Descent (Texas Hotzone 3)

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“We have to start by getting his agreement to check himself into the treatment facility,” Caleb reminded everyone.

“He’ll go,” Bob said. “If I have to drag him there kicking and screaming, he’ll go.”

“He will have to stay with you until he checks in, Caleb,” Sharon said. “Then he’ll be safe. You and your Army friends can keep him in line, if anyone can. Please, Caleb. He has to stay with you. I won’t rest if he’s not with you, protected.”

Caleb’s expression didn’t change, but Shay saw the barely perceivable flex of his jaw, the tension climbing down his spine as he stiffened slightly. “Let’s see how it goes with Kent, and we’ll do what we have to. Why don’t we give you guys a few minutes to talk alone? This is a lot to absorb.” Slowly, his attention shifted to Shay. “Let’s get some air.”

Shay gave a jerky nod, made sure her mother was okay and then followed Caleb to the back patio. The minute they were outside, he grabbed her hand and pulled her around the corner, out of sight and out of their hearing.

“We have to tell your parents about us if Kent’s going to stay with me,” he said. “There’s no way we can keep us a secret under those circumstances. Not without completely staying away from each other.”

“We’ll be careful,” she said. “We’ll make it work. It’s only two weeks.”

His hands settled on his hips, frustration etching his brow. “Make it work,” he repeated. “That’s your answer?”

Shay’s heart thundered in her chest. “We can’t spring our relationship on my parents right now. Can’t you see how upset they are?”

“Funny,” he said. “I’m not so sure they’ll be upset we’re together. But you, on the other hand, are convinced they will be. You know what I think? I think this isn’t about your parents at all. I think it’s about something else, and you’re using them as an excuse.”

“No,” Shay said instantly. “You’re wrong. That’s crazy, Caleb. There isn’t something else. There isn’t.”

“There is,” he said with certainty. “I saw it in your face when I brought up Italy, and every time I bring up telling Bob and Sharon that we’re a couple.”

“Kent’s here,” Bob called from the doorway.

“You know, Shay,” he said, “maybe these two weeks are what we need. What you need to figure out what I am to you. Because I know what you are to me. The woman I love. The only woman I’ve ever said that to. You need to figure out what I am to you. The man you love or that forbidden fantasy you talked about.” He gave the door a nod. “Let’s go give Kent the attention he needs to get well.”

He stepped around her and headed to the house, leaving Shay to stare after him. Leaving her alone. She struggled with the coldness of the feeling, the desire to go after him and make things right somehow, make him understand that she was protecting him. She was making sure bad timing didn’t induce a negative reaction from her family about their relationship—about him. There wasn’t another reason behind her silence.

Shay forced herself into a jog to catch up with Caleb and entered the living room just behind him to find Kent standing with her parents.

“Why do I get the feeling this isn’t a homecoming party?” Kent asked.

Probably because her parents sat side by side on the couch, silent and tense, with pinched looks on their faces.

“Because it’s not,” Caleb said, his tone no-nonsense, as if he were talking to a young soldier about to face his first enemy-combat situation. “Why don’t you grab a seat and let’s chat.”

“You told them,” Kent said.

“Absolutely, I told them,” Caleb agreed, owning his actions in a way that only made Shay respect him more.

Kent’s gaze locked with Caleb’s and stiff seconds ticked by, a male standoff of some sort Shay didn’t try to understand. Finally, Kent slumped slightly, conceding the control to Caleb, and skulked to a chair to sit.

“You have a gambling problem, Kent,” Caleb said, “and don’t tell us you’re going to stop and you have it under control. Because you won’t and you don’t.” Authority oozed out of Caleb. He was strong and forceful, without being disrespectful. “So here’s what’s going to happen. We’re going to pay off your debt tonight, and then you’ll stay with me to detour any further temptation until you can check in to a rehab facility. Shay’s done preliminary research to find the right place, one she believes your insurance will cover.” He paused and added, “That’s it. This is nonnegotiable.”

Shay held her breath, waiting for Kent’s response, and she could see her parents were doing the same. Several seconds ticked by, before Kent asked, “Where exactly is this facility?”

The tension in the room eased instantly, as if everyone let out that held breath all at once, and Shay glanced at Caleb’s profile in admiration. His strength, and his absolute resolve that Kent get help, had made this happen. Kent was going to get better, and she wasn’t sure it would have happened so easily if Caleb hadn’t been home.

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