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Breathless Descent (Texas Hotzone 3)

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“You don’t have a chute standing on that ledge,” Caleb said. “The way I look at skydiving is…if I’m supposed to survive—if I still have a purpose on this earth—the chute will open. If not, then it won’t.” George looked intrigued, and Caleb quickly offered, “I own a skydiving operation in San Marcus. If you want to test my chute theory, we can go now. You can watch some videos and do a little paperwork, and then jump in a few hours. And you’ll have your answer—to live or not to live.”

George looked at Shay. “Will you jump with me?”

Shay’s breath lodged in her throat. Both men stared at her, waiting for an answer to the same question Caleb had asked days before. Would she jump?



George’s question hung in the air like a hammer about to drop. Caleb had done a lot of thinking about why he’d pressed Shay to jump with him three days before, because he wasn’t one to push people out of their comfort zone, certainly not Shay. At least, not outside the bedroom. And now, here, in this moment, he knew why. He’d wanted something to show him that, while she might not be willing to tell her family about their relationship, he was worth a risk, worth fighting for. But she hadn’t jumped, she hadn’t even stayed to talk to him after his jump.

“I’m terrified to jump, George,” she said, holding her patient’s stare. “But if it will get you down from there, I’ll do it.”

George scrutinized her, as if deciding whether he should believe her, before jumping to the ground in front of Caleb and Shay. “I’m ready,” he told Caleb, and started walking toward the door.

Shay’s gaze shifted to Caleb’s, trepidation in her expression. “I had to say yes.”

“I know,” he said. And he did know. That had been the entire point of asking her to jump. He’d wanted her to make a choice—in his case, not to save his life but to save their relationship. To be willing to step out of her comfort zone, a way to reach out to him that she’d not been willing to offer. Maybe it was wrong of him, probably it was wrong of him, but he needed to know. And, well, he would risk anything for her, but he wasn’t sure it would be enough anymore.

His lips thinned with the thought and he said, “George is waiting.”

Once they were in the parking lot, Caleb wasn’t about to let George out of their sight until he was certain he was stable. Nor was he leaving George alone with Shay. He’d seen a few suicidal guys in Iraq turn on people close to them. “Let’s take my truck,” Caleb suggested. “That’ll let you two talk, and neither of you will have the distraction of driving.”

Fortunately, George agreed, and was soon seated by the passenger’s door, pulling it shut, while Shay scooted to the middle. Caleb climbed into the driver’s seat beside Shay, but he didn’t look at her. He could feel her close, her body heat rushing over him, her scent teasing him, and that was enough. She was where he’d wanted her. Where he’d believed she belonged. Still did, but now…well, now he wasn’t so sure that was where she would end up.

The drive was short and Shay kept George talking. Caleb was impressed with how she framed her views, how she led him to see logic over emotion.

Once inside the Hotzone, Caleb led George and Shay to a private training room and set up the videos to allow George to complete the paperwork to jump alone.

“Shay’s jumping tandem with me,” Caleb said without asking Shay. “She doesn’t need all the paperwork you will need.” Shay was scared, and he wasn’t risking her getting hurt by forcing her to jump alone.

Shay’s gaze connected with his, the charge of awareness and tension between them damn near combustible. There was no way George didn’t notice.

George frowned. “But I can for sure jump on my own?” he confirmed, sitting down at the metal table.

“That’s right,” Caleb agreed. “But it’s going to be pretty late by the time you finish all the training. I need to go lock in a pilot for the plane.” His gaze flickered over Shay’s slim-cut skirt, with miles of gorgeous legs exposed from beneath, and added, “And I’ll need to find Shay something to wear. High heels and skydiving don’t mesh too well.”

Shay looked down at herself. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Do I need to run home and change?”

“No,” George said. “You can’t leave me here.”

“Sabrina and Jennifer both have flight suits and boots here,” he said. “You’re are all close to the same size. I’m sure neither will mind if you wear theirs.” He tapped the table where George sat. “You study and before long, I’ll show you what jumping is really all about.”

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