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Team Players

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“Shit,” Gordon mutters, his eyes as hungry as I’ve ever seen them. His hands slide up my sides, thumbs resting beneath my breasts as he leans in to lick my nipples. Oh God, I jump when he latches on and sucks, the moaning sound he makes vibrating through my body.

Behind us, Reggie takes a seat on Gordon’s black office chair, spreading his legs wide, his hand reaching into his shorts and grasping his cock. “You look good,” he says. “Don’t stop.”

Gordon smiles against my skin. “You wanna draw us, Reggie?”

“I couldn’t concentrate with Maggie naked.” His mouth quirks, and his hand moves. I can’t see the firm strokes he makes because they’re under the cover of his clothes, but my imagination runs wild. Gordon’s hands push at the waistband of my jeans before realizing he’ll need to unbutton them first. His thick fingers fumble with the buttons, but once they’re unfastened, he shoves them down my legs in record time.

“Fuck… I don’t even know.” He shakes his head, gazing at my body appreciatively. “Just everything about you, Maggie… it feels like it fits.”

“The others said that too,” Reggie says.

“They talked about me?” I ask, sliding my hands through Gordon’s hair.

“They said you tasted like honey,” Reggie says softly. “And felt like…”

“…warm chocolate pudding?” I say, smiling.

“Daryl’s favorite dessert,” Gordon laughs. “Am I gonna get to find out if they’re telling the truth?”

“Well, I’m standing here in panties while your brother watches you suck my nipples. I think there’s a good chance we’re going all the way.”

“That’s good,” Gordon says. “I wouldn’t want to be the one you leave out.”

For a moment, I internalize the words he’s spoken, realizing that despite all of Gordon’s strength and determination, he feels as vulnerable about sex and relationships as I do.

Gordon glances at his brother, so far away from the action. “Go sit on Reggie’s lap, facing me.”

Reggie’s ethereal eyes meet mine, filled with yearning and hope. As I walk toward him, they never drift lower than my face. I lean to kiss his soft lips, stroking my hand over his scruffy chin and touching the soft curls of his hair that flop over his brow, loving the gentle sweep of his tongue over mine. I lower myself into his lap, turning to face Gordon, who is looming over us both. I’m expecting him to give instructions. He always has a bossy and controlling air about him, but instead, he drops to his knees in front of us, pushing my legs wider. Reggie’s hands find my breasts, and he groans as he squeezes them in his huge palms, rolling my nipples between his finger and thumb. Gordon pushes my panties aside, using his thick thumbs to part my labia, find my swollen clit with his tongue, and groaning. “Honey,” he says, licking hungrily.

Reggie’s cock is hard along my spine, and as I wiggle with pleasure, I feel him move against me. “Fuck, now that’s an image I want to paint,” he says. “I’ve never seen him worship anyone this way.”

Gordon doesn’t respond, just strokes his hands over my thighs and licks me like I’m the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted. I lie back on Reggie’s chest, closing my eyes and absorbing the sensations. I never thought sex could be like this. So open and free.

I’m writhing more, the pleasure building between my legs when there’s a knock at the door. As Logan steps into the room, I come hard, my startled gaze fixed on his surprised gray eyes. “Shit, sorry,” he says, taking a step back.

I’m panting, my hand pressed against Gordon’s head.

No one moves for what feels like an age but it is probably only a few seconds. “Sorry,” Logan says again. He takes another step back, but his hand is gripping the edge of the door like he really doesn’t want to leave.

I don’t want him to leave either. Excluding him would feel like rejection, and Danna was clear that this thing only works if everyone is open. But can I ask him to stay? It’s so hard to be unguarded in relationships, particularly when you’ve never had a good one. My mind goes back to Justin and his fist smacking the wall. That’s where my previous poor excuse for a relationship ended up when I didn’t communicate my needs and when I ignored what was really going on. I don’t want to do that again. Especially now.

“Stay,” I tell him. It’s one tiny word, but it carries so much significance. I’m telling these men that my arms are open to them. I’m telling them that there will be no closed doors or privacy between us.

“Are you sure?” I get the feeling he’s asking his brothers as much as he’s asking me.

“Yes.” I’m firm with my response. No one is going to tell him he should leave. There is plenty of me to go around. That realization sends a buzz through my whole body. Is this how Danna feels when she’s with her ten men? Euphoria is the only word I can think of to describe it.

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