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Broken Beginnings (The Moretti Crime Family 3)

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His blue eyes burn with rage, his body vibrates with animosity, and with the snap of my fingers, he becomes a different person.

Memories stir…

He looks like the person from my nightmares. The man that I could never forget.

The man in front of me isn’t the one who saved me, who called me butterfly, or gave me a ride home from school. This is the man who killed my father.



My brain shuts off. All rational thinking is gone and replaced with pure unbridled rage. I shove the table aside like it weighs nothing. Carter jumps up from his seat, his eyes wide with fear like I’ve never seen. He knows what’s going to happen next. That’s why his hands go up to protect his face, but we both know it’s no use.

His hands will not stop me from beating the fuck out of him.

“Lucca, I swear—” he starts, but I cut him off with a fist to the face.

I’m vaguely aware of someone screaming. My anger is not only blinding, it is deafening as well. All I can think about is hurting the man who touched Claire. The man who took her innocence. The man who claimed a piece of her. A piece he didn’t deserve.

With one hand, I grab onto Carter’s shirt, holding him in place while I punch his face with the other. His arms flare out to defend himself, but I easily dodge him and continue my assault.

My heart beats against my ribcage furiously, blood pumping through my body at double speed. I feel someone’s hands on me, trying to pull me from Carter. I shrug the unknown person away, ignoring the constant screaming echoing through the room.

Only when I see a head of red hair out of the corner of my eye do I tear myself away from Carter. I glance to the ground beside me, my eyes falling on Claire, and I freeze. My fist stops mid air as if time itself pauses.

My vision adjusts back to reality as the fog of rage lifts from my ears and eyes.

Claire is sitting on the floor, cradling her arm to her chest like she is hurt. Her eyes are red, and her face is tear-stained.

“It’s not true,” she croaks. “I lied. I’m sorry, I lied… I lied.” She repeats it over and over again, almost frantically.

She lied. Her words sink in like a slow-moving creek.

“You and Carter…?”

“We’re just friends. I swear. He never touched me. No one has. I just said that to… I don’t even know,” she shakes her head, “make you jealous, I guess… It was stupid. Really stupid.”

While I’m still working on getting my ragged breathing under control, I swing my gaze back to Carter. His head lulls to the side, his face already swollen, and his lip and nose bloody.


I release his shirt, and he slumps back into the kitchen chair with a groan. Claire gets up from the floor and scurries past me to check on Carter. Her concern for him fuels my anger, like gasoline to a simmering flame.

“Leave him,” I growl, grabbing her arm to pull her back. “He is fine.”

“He is not fine!” She tries to pull away, but I don’t budge.

“He will be, and now you know what will happen to anyone who I think touched you, so don’t go around flirting because I will hurt them.”

“You’re a monster,” she spits out with venom dripping from her voice.

I curl my lip and give her the same ominous look she gives me. “You’re right, Claire. I am a monster, and I’m glad you finally see it.”

“I hate you,” she hisses. Her rage only turns me on. “Just leave again. Go wherever you’ve been hiding for the last two years and leave me be.”

“No can do, butterfly. Clearly, Carter cannot keep you safe. You’re coming with me. Go pack your bag,” I order.

“No! No fucking way are you doing this to me again. I’m not going with you. You can’t make me.”

I raise an eyebrow at her, and if I wasn’t still angry, I would probably laugh too. “We both know I can make you do whatever I want to.” At my threat, her body visibly shivers. I’m not completely certain if it’s from fear or something else.

“What about my parents? I can’t just leave. I’m about to start college. I won’t leave.” She keeps shaking her head as if she actually has a choice.

“I’ll call them on the way. Let’s go. Pack some stuff.”

“No!” She stomps her foot before trying to pull away from me once more. I tighten my grip on her arm, making her wince.

“Fine. No bag then.” I let go of her arm so suddenly, Claire stumbles forward.

As soon as she realizes she is free, she tries to make a run for it, but I’m faster. I scoop her off the ground and throw her over my shoulder. She beats her small fists against my back, which reminds me to teach her some self-defense when I get a chance.

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