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Broken Beginnings (The Moretti Crime Family 3)

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As soon as we walk into the kitchen, and I see the bag from Olive Garden, I nearly squeal. I love that place.

“Sit,” Lucca orders, pointing at the stools on the opposite side of the long island. “I will dish out the food.”” I bite my tongue, knowing whatever response I have won’t help me, and instead, do just as he says.

As soon as he sets the plate of food down in front of me, I eat. I don’t care how unladylike I might look. I didn’t want to eat the stupid snacks in the bedroom, but now that I smell this, I’m actually starving. Once I’ve filled my stomach enough to stop the insistent growling, I look up from my plate and find Lucca staring at me.

He’s holding his plate in one hand while he leans against the counter, studying me like I’m an object under a microscope. I like it but hate it at the same time. I have no idea how he sees me, but I want to find out.

Placing my fork on my plate, I grab the glass of water he gave me and take a sip.

“Is Carter okay?” I ask.

At the mere mention of his name, Lucca’s features shift. His jaw becomes sharper, and his eyes narrow to slits. If I didn’t know him, I would think he might want to hurt me. At the very least, strangle me.

“Carter is none of your concern,” he snarls.

Oh god, he is still jealous of Carter. Even knowing that we haven’t done anything.

The question now is… why?

“Is there a reason you’re acting jealous? I already told you that Carter did nothing to me. He never touched me or even looked at me in a way that was sexual.”

“I’m not jealous,” he says.

Pfft, could’ve fooled me. I know I’ve pushed him enough today, but I can’t help myself. I’m going to do whatever I can to make him snap, to make him want me like I know deep down he does.

“It’s okay if you want me, Lucca,” I purr, trying my best to sound seductive.

A spark ignites in his eyes but disappears when he blinks. “I don’t want you, Claire. I just want to keep you safe, that’s it.”

“You can keep me safe with your cock inside of me.” I almost cover my mouth with my hand, shocked that I said such a vulgar thing.

Lucca snickers, the blue of his eyes almost black. “I hate to tell you, but the worst place you could ever be is on my dick. I don’t love, Claire. I don’t kiss. I don’t do flowers and swooning. I don’t do dates or call the next day. I just fuck, hard, raw, and fast.”

I gulp, taken back a little by his honesty. Surely, he would never be that way with me. I know Lucca. He would never hurt me.

“You were wrong, by the way. You thought my crush went away, it hasn’t. I still want you.”

Lucca shakes his head. “Don’t be stupid. Finish your food. I already told you I’m not jealous, and I don’t want you.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” I mutter before shoving a forkful of food into my mouth. The look Lucca is giving me promises many things, and I shiver involuntarily. He wants me, he’s just afraid to admit it. Afraid to look beyond the little girl I once was and see me for the woman that I’ve become.

When I’m finished with dinner, I follow Lucca down the hall and back into his bedroom. Lucca walks over to the dresser and starts opening drawers. “Since you refused to pack a bag, you’ll have to make do with my clothing.”

“What if I don’t want to wear your clothes?”

A dark shadow crosses his face as he peers at me over his shoulder. “It shouldn’t take you long to realize there are no options with me. You’ve pushed me far enough today. Do you really want to test me further?”

I almost nod my head. He’s so bossy and demanding, I can’t help but fight him on everything he says or does, especially when they’re choices that are made for me.

“Just give me the clothes.”

“That’s what I thought,” he says while handing me an oversized T-shirt and a pair of boxers. I’m reminded of our time together in the hotels while on the run. How I came onto him, and he pushed me away. I had never felt so alone in my life. I wanted his touch, his comfort, and all he made me feel was shame.

I crane my neck to look up at him. His dirty blonde hair is disheveled in a sexy but dangerous way. Just looking at him makes me want things I can never have.

“Why do I have to sleep here with you? I know there’s a room next door that I can use.”

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