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My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1)

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He nodded and stood. “Stay there. I’ll bring the food over.”

I watched him carefully. He seemed like Jaxson, except for the tautness in his shoulders, the stiff way he was moving. As if he were holding himself in.

He brought over the bag, setting it on the table. He went to the kitchen, returning with bowls and some utensils. He set out the soup and spring rolls, ladling the hot, steaming broth into bowls and adding all the accompaniments they had sent. He handed me the bowl. “Eat.”

We were quiet for a moment, enjoying the flavorful soup. He held out the spring rolls, and I took one, munching on it.

“What did you do today?” he asked.

“A little grocery shopping, some laundry. Not much.”

“Did you talk to your dad?”

“Yes.” I finished my spring roll. “How was your day?”

He sighed and set down his bowl. “I’m sorry I had to leave so fast. Sometimes I get called in to consult on another lawyer’s case. This one is, ah, very delicate and personal. I couldn’t include you.”

“Someone at the firm.”

His mouth pinched and his fists clenched. “Yes. It’s fucking bullshit,” he spat, then stopped, shutting his eyes. “I can’t say anything else.”

“I understand.”

He studied me, and I noticed how dull his eyes looked. “Thank you.” He paused. “I wasn’t sure you’d let me in tonight or agree to have supper with me.”

“Still, you came,” I replied.

“I was worried you were upset and you wouldn’t eat. I wanted to make sure you did.”

His quiet care warmed my chest, easing some of the ache. Whatever was happening with the other lawyer at the office had to be bad, and he was clearly distressed over it. It explained the sudden shift in him this morning. He had switched into business mode.

“Of course I would let you in, Jaxson. I was confused but not angry.”

“What if you were angry at me? What then? Would you listen or walk away?”

I frowned. “If I were that angry, I would hope I would listen and give you a chance to explain.” I lifted my shoulder. “My mom has always said I am the most forgiving person in the world. I don’t get mad often, and I’m quick to let things go.”

He picked up his soup. “I’m not surprised.” He paused. “Can I stay, Gracie?”

“If you want to.”

“I do. Please.”

I reached out my hand, and he took it. “Yes.”

Chapter 16


When I woke up Monday morning, Jaxson was gone. It wasn’t unusual since he always went home and changed, but it was only four. He had left earlier than usual. He had been quiet most of the night. Reflective. We sat together on the sofa, and he had me read a few paragraphs aloud to him, laughing under his breath about the new dashing, arrogant duke I was reading. I paused while reading the physical description of my newest crush.

“None compare to how handsome you were when you dressed up on Halloween.”

He chuckled.

“You slipped into that role so well. The haughty duke hiding his true nature, smitten with one look from the heroine. You often have a lot of the same traits.”

He was clearly amused. “Is that a fact?”

“Yes. The Duke of Bainbridge, for example. Arrogant and cold to those around him, but different with his new wife.”

He cocked his head, trying not to laugh at my description.

“Is that how you see me?”

“I think so.”

“And this duke of yours, is he forever to remain cold?”

I sighed. “No. That is the wonderful part. When he admits his love.” I flipped through the well-read pages. “‘Of course, I love her. What man could not fall in love with her? She is bold and beautiful, witty and wonderful. She is fearless and determined. I stand in awe of her,’” I read, enthused. “And that is only when he is telling his brother. It gets even better when he declares his love to her.”

“I know how he feels. I am in awe of you, Gracie,” he said quietly, his eyes meeting mine. For a moment, there was a beat of silence, then he cleared his throat and studied the spine of the book, “Scarlett Scott. She’s one of your favorites?”

“Yes—my top one, in fact. I adore her. We’re starting a book club at ABC and BAM. We’re going to start reading together and discussing. I suggested the Heart’s Temptation series to start.”

He shook his head. “I fear for the men of BAM and ABC.”

I waggled my eyebrows. “Count yourself included.”

He stood, swinging me up in his arms and carrying me to the bedroom, his mouth on mine the whole way. I recalled how different our lovemaking was. Jaxson was quiet, intense. His passion was a slow-burning ember simmering along my skin. He was gentle and slow, drawing out my pleasure, keeping me on the edge until I was begging for him. He kissed me endlessly, his lips never far from mine. He held me tightly after, stroking his hand through my hair, whispering my name. I was almost asleep when I heard his low voice.

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