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My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1)

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“Is it wrong for a man to want a few moments alone with his wife on Christmas Day?” I asked mildly.

“I’m not your wife.”

“I have a certificate that says otherwise,” I pointed out dryly.

“Stop it, Jaxson. It was a mistake.”

“I disagree.”

She huffed a deep sigh, grimacing. Silently, I withdrew a small package from my pocket, extending it to her.

“What is that?” she said, sounding horrified.

“A Christmas gift for you.”

She backed away. “I don’t want a gift.”

“Too bad, my darling. Take it.”

“You said you didn’t buy gifts.”

I stepped closer, refusing to let her run. “Which proves, once again, you are the exception.”

She didn’t move, and I lowered my voice. “Take it now, or I’ll hand it to you in front of your family.”

She grabbed the box, flipping open the lid and gaping at the contents. The thick platinum band was set with pavé diamonds. It was elegant, timeless, and beautiful. Much like Grace.

She met my eyes, hers panicked and incredulous. “What have you done? This is not necessary, Jaxson.”

“Our rings didn’t fit. I wanted you to have a real one. One as beautiful as you.”

“I am not your wife!” She almost snarled.

“Yes, you are.”

“We both know I married you drunk and out of my mind. We’re getting a divorce.”

I stepped close, my response a one-word growl. “No.”

“Give me one good reason why not,” she shot back, not backing down.

I yanked her into my arms and covered her mouth with mine, kissing her ferociously. All my pent-up frustration went into that kiss as I claimed her mouth, sliding my tongue inside. I wrapped my hand in her hair, holding her tight, crushing her to my chest, refusing to let go. She stiffened for a second, then slid her arms around my neck, kissing me back and making the most erotic sounds low in her throat. I grew hard, my cock pressing against the seam of my pants. I wanted to carry her into the woods and take her. To hell with her family, the day, or anyone watching. I wanted to make love to her until she knew she belonged to me and would stop fighting this. For a moment, with her in my arms, her mouth on mine, everything was perfect.

But she pushed away, gasping. “Stop doing that!”

“Why?” I demanded. “Give in, Gracie. Admit you feel something, and let’s work on it. Tell your family. I’ll stand by you.”

“I am not staying married to you.”

“Yes, you are.”

Glaring, she lifted her arm and let the ring sail over my head and behind me. I shut my eyes, gathering my patience. I had called in a favor to get that ring. Waited for it to be engraved. She hadn’t even tried it on. And the damn thing was expensive.

“That’s what I think of your gift and this marriage,” she spat. “It’s not happening, Jaxson. Keep your gifts and your lips to yourself!”

“Gracie,” I admonished gently. I had hurt her; I knew that. But I wanted to explain, to start anew.

“I mean it, Jaxson. I will be polite because my mother and aunts invited you. You will leave as soon as dinner is over, and I don’t want to see you until I return to the office. And the first thing we’re going to do is file for divorce.”

She stomped away. I watched her leave, knowing not to follow her right now. I waited a moment, hanging my head on my chest.

“Please tell me you found the ring,” I muttered to our silent audience.

Addi’s voice responded. “We did.”

“You knew we were here?” Brayden asked, standing, pulling Addi up beside him.

I shrugged. “If Grace hadn’t been so irritated, she would have noticed the footprints as well. She was determined not to go farther, so I let her speak.”

“She’s not usually so…” Addi trailed off.

“Angry? Hurtful?”


I held out my hand, and Addi dropped the ring into my palm. I studied it for a moment, then slid it into the pocket of my cardigan. I had no idea where the box had gone.

“I hurt her first. I need to make it up to her.” I paused. “I was correct, then, when I had assumed she confided in you, Addi? She told me how close you are.”

“She did,” Addi confirmed, her voice low. “She’s determined to end this marriage. She insists it was a mistake.”

I frowned, feeling the sadness weigh me down. I had a lot of work ahead of me. I shook my head firmly. “It was not. And I am as determined to keep her as she is determined to be rid of me.”

“Why?” Brayden asked, looking confused.

I spoke the truth. “Because she is the only warmth in my life. Without her, the cold will destroy me.”

They both looked shocked at my words. I studied the newlyweds. “Thank you for keeping our secret. One day, you will no longer have that burden.”

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