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My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1)

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“Sometimes you need to look back in order to move forward,” I whispered.

He sat up, pushing himself off the mattress. “Go to sleep. I’ll be back.”

I had to ask the burning question.

“But if you don’t love me, why did you marry me?” I challenged.

He stopped at the door, not turning around. “Because it was the only way I could keep you.”

He walked away from me, his footsteps heavy and measured.

I wiped at the tears in my eyes.

I was more confused than ever.

Chapter 29


Until Grace had entered my life, the only other person who had ever been in my personal space was Michael. And his presence was always short and due to business. She had been the first and only person I had ever brought here.

Today changed all that. From midmorning, the apartment had buzzed. Grace’s parents arrived, bringing with them new clothes for Grace. Her sister Heather was there, her partner, Reed, along for the ride. There was a video call from her other siblings, who were in Port Albany, with promises to visit the next day.

“They didn’t want to overwhelm you,” Katy said with a smile.

I wanted to tell her it was too late, but I refrained.

Soon, Addison and Brayden joined the group. Then Ronan appeared, representing the triplets. He engulfed Gracie in his massive arms, saying nothing, but the look on his face was enough. He brought Sandy and Jordan with him. They were emotional—her entire family much the same. Everyone wanted to touch her, talk to her. There were hugs, tears, whispered words of assurance from Grace. When the BAM men and their wives showed up, the apartment seemed too small. Their presence filled the rooms, their loud voices echoing off the normally quiet walls.

Grace sat in a single chair, close to the window, quiet but happy to have her family gathered around her. My gaze found her often, checking to make sure she was okay. Something flowed between us each time our eyes met. I had the feeling she was comforting me, and I wondered if she knew the emotions this gathering stirred up. Having told her about my past last night had been disconcerting enough. Add in this ensemble, and I was on edge.

My kitchen was suddenly full of food; there were flowers on the table for Grace. More toiletries, clothes, and other items were piled in the bedroom and on the table. The subject had come up about her apartment, and her visceral reaction to the idea of returning to it was evident. Her already pale complexion became pasty white, and her eyes grew round. Ignoring everyone else in the room, I crouched in front of her.

“You never have to go back,” I promised her quietly. “Your dad and I will look after getting your things out. Whatever is salvageable, we will retrieve.” I knew, despite our differences, on this matter, Richard and I would be in full agreement.

“I’ll help. We all will,” Ronan added.

“BAM will arrange it all.” Aiden spoke up. “The movers, the storage, the cleanup. When you’re ready to go through your things, they’ll be there.”

Gracie’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank you.”

I squeezed her hand and leaned close. “Do you need to rest?”

“No,” she replied. “Everything I need is right here.”

I stood, meeting the intense gaze of her father. He had been almost conciliatory all day. Polite. Not a single facer or even a snarl. I wondered if he was under warning from Katy or Grace. Maybe both. But he had watched me closely and stayed near Grace.

I wandered into the kitchen, needing a cup of good coffee and a moment’s peace. I filled the French press and waited. A voice from behind me made me turn my head.


I turned my head to look at Katy. “I needed coffee.”

“There’s a full pot.”

“I prefer this.”

She pulled herself up onto a stool at the island. “Gracie said you had a favorite type of brew. A coffee snob, I think she said?”

I had to smile, because Gracie was right. I lifted a cup. “Would you like one?”

“Yes, please.”

She took a sip and closed her eyes. “Delicious.”

“I agree.” I swallowed a mouthful of the hot, rich coffee, enjoying the taste and aroma.

“I guess it’s all a little much?” Katy asked. “All of us here in your space.”

“I’m not used to it,” I admitted. “But I knew it would be important for Grace to have her family around, and for them to see her and know she was okay.”

“You don’t have a relationship with your family.”

“I have none.”

“But earlier in your life?” she urged gently.

“No. I did not,” I said through gritted teeth. “And the subject is closed.”

She took another sip, not at all perturbed by my tone.

“You care for her very much.”

I shifted on my feet, wondering if I could ask her to leave the kitchen. My sanctuary had become far too crowded. I had a feeling, though, that Katy would only refuse and keep talking. Probing. In her own way, she was more dangerous than Richard could ever be.

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