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I Thee Take (To Have And To Hold Duet 2)

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I scan the expanse of the fenced-in airport with all its open space. Beyond that is a sparsely populated neighborhood.

The chopper touches down, the landing bumpy. David opens the door and slides out, casually adjusting his jacket sleeve as he walks toward the waiting jet.

“Let’s go,” his soldier says to me.

I turn to him, note the pistol in its shoulder holster. He’s in gear like Cristiano and his men when he first came to that tower and stole me. He was ready for war then. This man, he’s ready for war now. And the most dangerous one is standing outside the waiting jet.

I unbuckle the belt, work my arms out of it. The soldier steps out of the chopper. The other one is waiting for me to exit first. As I duck down, the one outside grabs hold of my arm, his grip hard. A warning.

“I’m Cristiano’s wife,” I remind him. “He wouldn’t want you handling me like this.”

He looks at me for a long moment. I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen him at the house. Not that I remember all the soldiers, but this one scares me. Inside his eyes, I see a great expanse of emptiness.

“Let’s go,” he says, and I walk with him toward the waiting plane. The chopper blades blow my hair around my face as we pass David and the other men who simply watch as I’m loaded onto the plane.

That’s when I resist. I can’t not. I feel like if I get on that plane, there won’t be any going back. My fate will be sealed.

But it’s no use resisting. There are at least six of them and one of me. Not to mention that most of them are armed. Once we’re on the plane and he deposits me into a seat, I stop fighting. He straps my belt and takes the seat beside me as David and the other soldiers climb on board. Then the cabin door is closed.

My heart races when David takes the seat across from mine. Someone hands him a rectangular box. He thanks them, then shifts his gaze out the window.

“Tell me what’s happening,” I say as the jet begins to speed down the runaway. I feel the moment we lift off, hear the sound of the wheels folding into the belly of the plane. “Please,” I add, eyeing that box on his lap.

He turns back to me after checking the time on his watch.

“I’m selling you to Felix,” he says flatly.

“What? You told Dante—”

“You’d rather I put a bullet in your head now?”

I quiet.

“Didn’t think so. Besides, that’d be a waste. Those loyal to your father have rebelled against him taking over the cartel, while you and your brother are still alive. Still out there.”

I swallow at the mention of Noah.

“Don’t worry, I don’t care if your brother somehow managed to slip away. Although I am curious how.”

“What do you mean about those who are rebelling?”

“Felix is a smart guy I have to admit. He’ll make an example out of you. Show those still stubbornly loyal to your father what happens when you cross him.”

I stare at him.

“Don’t you want to know how?”

“I don’t care what he does to me.”

“You might care after you figure it out.”

I don’t say anything.

“You know what?” he asks, leaning toward me a little. “I just want to see your face when I tell you. And since I don’t plan on sticking around for the main event, well, I don’t really care about the surprise factor.”

“I’m Cristiano’s wife. You can’t treat me like this.”

“My nephew’s dead. Or if he’s not yet, he will be soon.”


He shrugs his shoulder dismissively. “There’s an auction tomorrow night. The big one buyers have come from all over the world for. He already sold his one special item up for bid but now there is a second.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“The virgin daughter of one of the once most powerful men of the Italian mafia families. Almost grown up. Fifteen is a good age. Some men like them young. I hear your uncle did.”

I suddenly know exactly who he’s talking about and I feel sick.

“I personally don’t understand the draw, but I have to admit it brings in good money.”

“Cristiano’s sister is dead.”

“Yes, she is, because you can’t trust a fucking cartel idiot soldier to do the job right.”


“She goes by Lizzie now. It’s easier for everyone. No harm, no foul.”

“She’s alive. And you’ve known it all this time?”

He smiles, shakes his head. “That’s not the part you should worry about, Scarlett. Didn’t you hear what I said?” he pauses for effect. “There’s now a second special item to bid on. Can you guess what—or I should say who—that is?”

I try not to react. Not to show any emotion at all even though my heart is beating so fast I swear it’s trying to bulldoze its way out of my chest.

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