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Family Doctor's Baby (Bad Boys and Babies 1)

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Chapter 26

My house was luckily quiet and untouched. I was half afraid that I'd find my yard full of toilet paper or my grass drawn on in spray paint.

We went inside and I smiled at how normal it felt to have Jacob come in behind me. I liked coming home with Jacob. I liked the way he held the door for me and I loved that I wasn't worried about who saw us. As much as it sucked having the town hate us, there were some perks.

I pulled out two plates and the chocolate cake I'd baked the night before. The frosting was lopsided and I had put the layers on funny, but it should taste good. Chocolate cake after a bad day is always a good thing.

I sliced two big pieces and set them on plates. It was a healthy dinner for sure.

Jacob took a big bite and groaned. “Good cake,” he mumbled, some crumbs spilling onto his scrub top.

“Thanks.” I didn't take a bite yet. “There's something I wanted to talk to you about.”

He swallowed and stuffed another bite into his mouth. “You said that. What did you want to talk about?”

My hands started to shake and I thought I might throw up. I swallowed hard. I knew people usually came up with a cute

way to tell their significant other, but I just wanted to get it out.

“I'm pregnant.”

Jacob stopped chewing. He stared at me in shock before swallowing down the last bite of cake hard. “Say that again?”

The second time wasn't really any easier than the first time.

“I'm pregnant,” I repeated. “I'm not on birth control, so that time in the break room...”

I sat with my back stiff. I wasn't sure how he was going to react. To be honest, I wasn't really sure how I was reacting. It still felt too big and far away to really be happening.

“You're sure?” He set his fork down with a clang on the plate.

I nodded. “I took a test.”

My heart stalled waiting for his response. I was going to need to see a cardiologist if this continued. Jacob either made my heart race or hold still and I was sure it wasn't good for my overall health.

A slow smile crossed his lips. He leaned back in his chair and slumped and he breathed out.

“I'm going to be a dad?”

I nodded. He wasn't freaking out, which was good.

His grin got bigger. “I'm going to be a dad!”

He jumped up and wrapped me up in his arms, swinging me around the small kitchen. Every movement spoke to joy and the breath I'd been holding in fear let out.

He wasn't upset. He was excited.

“That means an April baby.” He counted on his fingers to do the math. He grinned and his eyes sparkled.

“You're not mad?” I asked, still shocked that telling him was this easy.

“Mad? Hannah, I've dreamed of having a family. I've always wanted kids.” He paused and took my hands in his. “I know it's corny, but I always wanted it to be you.”


He blushed. “You were perfect in high school. I never thought you'd go for me, but I had this fantasy that someday we'd be together,” he admitted. “Whenever I thought of what my future family would look like, you were always there.”

I kissed him. I kissed him with pure joy and happiness.

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