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Mr. Darcy's Kiss

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“Oh, wow.” I looked over at Jane to see her mouth the word, “please.” I was rather surprised by that as she usually hated dance clubs and the crowds that came with them. I gave her a questioning look, and she nodded toward Charles. She wanted to go because he had asked her.

“Please come,” Mr. Darcy said. I looked over at him surprised that of all people he was asking.

“Um, sure,” I replied, checking in once more with Jane. I couldn’t believe she wanted this. Crowds made her anxious, and that’s all a dance club was. She nodded again, so I smiled. “We’ll all come.”

Charles grinned. “Excellent.”

“Okay.” I wasn’t sure what to do next, so I just picked up my and Lydia’s coffees. “I’m just going to bring this home now. It was nice to see you both. Thank you for letting us sit at your table.”

“Of course,” Charles said with a smile, his eyes going back to the blushing Jane. Mr. Darcy simply gave an elegant nod.

I turned and left, feeling incredibly awkward. I was not expecting Mr. Darcy to be half so civil. I opened the door to leave and glanced back, finding that Mr. Darcy was still watching me. I instinctively smiled before hurrying out the door.

I had no idea what we were in store for tonight, but I did know that at least Lydia would be pleased.

Chapter 6

The lights of New York City sparkled in the dark sky instead of stars as we left our building and found a limo waiting for us. Lydia squealed with delight and clapped her hands as soon as she saw it, and even Jane looked impressed. It wasn’t every day that we got to take a limo to a fancy nightclub.

The driver opened the door as we approached. Charles and Mr. Darcy were waiting for us inside the limo. Charles grinned as we got in. Mr. Darcy was talking on his phone.

Jane sat next to Charles. Lydia was the next in, which meant that I had to sit next to Mr. Darcy. He had dressed for the club and looked sexy as sin. He wore dark pants with a matching dress jacket. A crisp white button dress shirt peeked out from underneath his jacket, but he’d left it unbuttoned, giving him an easy, devilish look. If I didn’t know that his personality was not as handsome, I would have been very attracted to him.

I, of course, did my best to ignore him as he hung up the phone. There was no way I was going to tell him he looked good. His ego was already too big.

“You all look amazing,” Charles remarked as the car started moving forward.

Jane blushed. Jane was showing off her long legs and just enough cleavage to tease anyone who looked. Lydia had spent the afternoon convincing her it was a good idea to look sexy.

“They’re designer dresses,” Lydia announced. She was wearing a tiny little dress that left very little to the imagination. Mine was sweetheart cut and short, but more fun than overtly sexy.

“They’re rentals,” I added. Lydia glared at me, but I wasn’t about to get called a gold-digger again because I was wearing a dress I couldn’t afford. “A way for us common folk to get our hands on designer clothes without spending a fortune.”

“What a smart idea,” Charles replied. “I’ve never heard of anything like that.”

“It is smart, isn’t it?” I replied but looked at Mr. Darcy. His jaw tightened, and it made me smile. Score one for me.

“So, Lux?” Jane said, changing the subject. “I’ve never been.”

“Is anyone famous going to be there tonight?” Lydia asked, fluttering her eyelashes at the two men.

I glared at her from across the limo. Why did she have to make everything we did about becoming famous?

“What?” She gave me the most teenager shrug I’d seen in weeks.

“There will be some big names there,” Charles interjected, trying to keep the mood light. “ We just opened last week, so we’re trying to keep the momentum up.”

“You said you own the club?” Jane asked.

“It’s one of my investments. I’m a silent partner since I’m not really known for my nightclubs. I’m more of a hotel guy,” Charles explained. He smiled at Jane. “I hope you like it.”

“I know I will,” she assured him.

“If you ever need someone to be on promotional materials, I’m really photogenic,” Lydia told him, fluttering her eyelashes.

“Thank you, Lydia,” I replied. “I’m sure he’ll keep you in mind.”

I was going to have to talk with her. She couldn’t just keep pressing everyone she met to make her famous. I knew it was just because it was her dream and she was motivated, but she needed to work on making it sound less skeezy.

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