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Mr. Darcy's Kiss

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“Sure,” I replied without thinking. My smile was brittle as I realized I just agreed to spend time with him. I didn’t want to get a drink or anything else with him, but it was too late now.

“What would you like?” he asked, sounding like a gentleman, even if he wasn’t one.

“Um, champagne is fine,” I replied.

“I’ll be right back. Stay here,” he said, nodding his head and stepping away. I stared after him. Why in the world had I said I’d get a drink with him? I quickly came up with a plan to just disappear once he brought me my champagne. I’d say something polite, and go find Lydia. It wouldn’t be that hard to get away. I didn’t have to see the hotel with him.

“Are you okay?” Jane asked, coming up beside me. “You look like you might be sick.”

“I might be,” I replied. “I just agreed to a drink and a tour with Mr. Darcy. I can’t believe I said yes.”

“You’re being too harsh,” Jane scolded. “We haven’t learned his side of the story.”

“I don’t need to have his side,” I responded. She gave me a disappointed look, but I didn’t take it back.

“Fine,” she said with a sigh. “There’s someone here I’d like you to meet.”

I followed her to the lobby where a young woman was talking and laughing with Charles. They stood by a small standing table with a single rose centerpiece. It was exquisite and suited the hotel perfectly.

“Lizzie, I’d like to introduce you to Emma Woodhouse. She’s a friend of Charles’,” Jane said.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I replied, holding out my hand. The young woman shook it and smiled.

“Excuse me,” Charles said. “Jane, will you come take a photo with me?”

“Don’t go anywhere. I need to talk to you,” Jane whispered to me. “Just stay here.”

I nodded. “Go take your picture. I won’t go anywhere.”

Jane forced a smile but went with Charles for the pictures she hated, leaving me with Emma.

“Jane tells me that you are a nurse?” Emma asked. “Is it anything like the TV shows?”

I smiled. “There aren’t nearly as many good looking doctors. I can honestly say that I have never hooked up in a janitor’s closet.”

“Darn,” she replied shaking her head. “TV falls short again.”

I laughed. “I do love it though. It’s a great job. Hard, but very rewarding.”

“That’s good to hear,” she replied. She took a sip of her drink and motioned to the bar. “Did I see you speaking with William Darcy?”

“I was,” I replied. “Do you know him?”

She shrugged. “A little. We spent some time together at a party in London once. He seemed like a decent person, but very busy with his business.”

“That’s a nice way of putting it,” I said. “I’d say he’s kind of a self-centered ass.”

“Wow.” She giggled. “You don’t like him much,” she noticed.

“He hurt a friend of mine over business,” I replied. “I’m afraid that I’m not his biggest fan at the moment.”

She nodded. “He does become rather cutthroat when it comes to his airline, but I think it’s just because it’s very important to him. When I met him, he was known for his charitable donations as much as his airline.”

“Donations are just money, and he has plenty enough of that,” I replied. “His behavior is inexcusable.”

Emma tilted her head and looked at me thoughtfully. “It’s a shame you don’t like him,” she said after a moment. “The two of you seem like a good match. I would have thought you two would hit it off.”

I laughed. “No way. I have decided that Mr. Darcy and I are mortal enemies,” I announced with a smile. “I think we have very different viewpoints on what is acceptable behavior in business.”

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