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Christmas Wishes

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Nicholas sighed, a look of hurt in his eyes. He quickly changed it to a small smile as he shifted his palm under Molly’s chin, lifting it until they were making eye contact. “How about we just have fun tonight? No more talk of the store.”

“Okay...” The feeling of being used still hung around her like fog that wouldn't go away.

“Okay?” Nicholas repeated her response as a question.

“Okay, Nicholas,” Molly said, deciding to let things go. Molly offered him a grin before spinning away from him. “Let’s just have fun.”

Nicholas followed her lead, matching his speed with hers, as they went around the skating rink for the second time that night.

All the while, Molly kept her worry in the back of her head.

Even though this night felt delightful, even though being beside Nicholas made her so happy, Molly couldn’t help but wonder what that happiness was going to cost her.

And with each turn around the rink, her concerns grew larger and larger.

Did she really have a chance of changing Nicholas’ mind about saving the shop?

Or was Nicholas Kerstman simply using her?

Chapter 16


“Sounds like a date.”

“It wasn’t a date.” Molly crossed her arms, looking grouchy.

“Okay, but it totally was a date,” Hannah informed her. She shrugged over at Molly while seated on Molly’s living room couch. “So, was I right or was I right?”

“Hannah, it wasn’t a date,” Molly repeated. She pouted as she plopped down beside Hannah on the couch. “We just got some food and went ice skating. And I was the one who invited him.”

“Please don?

??t tell me you’re saying that it doesn’t count as a date because you invited him out,” Hannah scoffed, while taking a sip of her coffee. “Hello, Molly! It’s the 21st century. Women are allowed to make the first move. And congrats to you for your bravery.”

Molly rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t not a date because just I invited him out! It wasn’t a date because it wasn’t a date!” Molly threw up her arms in frustration. “It was just two co-workers hanging out. That’s it.”

“Right.” Hannah’s tone indicated that she didn’t believe a word of what Molly had just said. “Hey, when did you get so into men’s fashion? Is this one of those new trends? Do I need to order a men's jacket off Amazon?”

“Men’s fashion?” Molly was puzzled by Hannah’s question. After a moment, she noticed that her shoulders were heavier than usual. Molly then began to hurriedly pull Nicholas’ jacket away from her frame, after having forgotten she was wearing it. “Ahh! I forgot to give him back his jacket. He’s going to think that I wanted to keep it on purpose!”

“I think you did want to keep it on purpose, but whatever,” Hannah said, trying to keep from laughing. “Did he walk you home?”

Molly glared at her. “No. I walked myself back because I was supposed to meet you.”

“If you had called me, you could have stayed out with him,” Hannah informed her.

Molly didn't answer right away. To be honest, she'd used the fact that Hannah would be waiting for her as an excuse to escape. After skating for a while, they'd walked around the town square, just talking.

It had been amazing. And all Molly had wanted to do was kiss him

Which was terrifying. The last thing she should want to do is kiss the man who would be leaving in a few days. So, instead of giving into temptation, she'd run home to Hannah.

“I didn't want to let you down,” Molly said lamely.

“Sure.” Hannah shook her head, obviously not believing Molly in the slightest. “I’m just glad you’re getting back out there, Molly. Especially after you-know-who.”

Molly winced at the mere suggestion of you-know-who.

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