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Christmas Wishes

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Molly sighed, trying to fight back the sadness growing inside. She didn't want to lose her best friend.“You know I want you to have the whole entire world. Even if it means I won’t see you so much, anymore. You deserve everything. You’ve worked so, so hard for it.”

“Thank you for saying that. Even if you don’t really mean it,” Hannah told her, smiling to take any sting from her words. “And please. You’d still see me all the time. New York’s just a plane ride away. It’s not like I’m moving to New Zealand.”

“Not yet.” Molly sighed with a dramatic flair.

Hannah broke out into a laugh. “You’re so ridiculous, sometimes, I swear.”

“Not as ridiculous as—” Molly’s response was interrupted by a chiming at the front door.

“Oh, sorry! I forgot to lock it. We’re closed,” Hannah called out, but when she saw who it was she just grinned. “Actually, you know what, Mr. Kerstman? We can stay open a few more minutes, just for you.”

“Mr. Kerstman...” Molly wasn't sure if Hannah meant the younger or older Mr. Kerstman. She knew which one she wanted to see, though. She turned quickly and grinned when she saw it was Nicholas walking up to the counter. He had changed out of the Santa Claus costume and he now wore what looked to be a designer suit. She'd liked him in the Santa suit, but this was so much better. He looked good.

He took a seat beside Molly before placing a fist under his chin. “And so we meet again, Ms. Molly.”

“And so we meet again.” Molly couldn’t help but smile back at Nicholas.

Why couldn’t she help but smile? Why was her heart fluttering and insides turning to liquidy mush?

“Nice suit. What’s the occasion?” Molly asked, taking a sip of her drink.

“I had a Skype meeting with a client and a follow up with my assistant back in Manhattan,” Nicholas replied, glancing down at his outfit. “It was mostly just normal operations.”

“That sounds... um...” Molly struggled to come up with something nice to say about how boring Nicholas’ work-life seemed in that moment.

“Boring? You can say it. You won’t hurt my feelings.” Nicholas chuckled. “But boring pays the bills.”

Molly couldn't argue with that.

Hannah cleared her throat. “Can I make you some coffee? I'll make it just the way you like it. Americano, right? Nothing sweet? Nothing creamy? Nothing delicious?”

He grinned at her. “Nothing delicious? Sounds perfect.”

Hannah winked at Molly before she quickly made him his cup of espresso and hot water and then disappeared into the back, claiming she had to check some baking. Molly knew she was just giving them alone time.

“Hey, you had fun today, right?” Molly asked Nicholas, turni

ng toward him.

“Why are you always asking me about how much fun I’m having?” Nicholas asked, taking a sip of his Americano and sighing with pleasure. “Is that a teacher thing?”

Molly smiled to herself as she thought back on that pivotal, online article. “Sort of, yeah,” Molly replied. She turned her smile to Nicholas. “So, would you say you had fun?”

Nicholas thought for a moment and then nodded. “I did. Surprisingly.”

“Good,” Molly said, feeling like her plan might actually work. She just needed to be careful not to get distracted by him and his handsome suit. “I’m happy you had fun.”

Hannah returned from the back room and tapped her watch. “Okay, that’s the last coffee for the night. I’ve really got to close up shop so I can prep for tomorrow. You two don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.”

She picked up a cloth and started wiping down counters and turning off lights, making it very clear they needed to leave.

“Maybe we can head to the park?” Molly offered, getting to her feet. She didn't want to go home yet. She didn't want Nicholas to go home. “I mean, if you wanted to. You can always head back to your rental—”

“No!” Nicholas’ reply was forceful, before he coughed behind his hand. “I mean, the park sounds great.”

“Okay.” Molly suddenly felt breathless and giddy.

“Okay.” Nicholas grinned at her, but neither one of them moved. They just stood looking at one another, breathing hard.

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